Weird "alien" video

If this really was an alien, where are the IPS, or the Indian Military?

I do not think it is CGI, as the detail on shadows and such would be really hard (although, not impossible) to produce. This leads me to believe it's just some good make-up and a real, live person.

There is just too little of a reaction from the passing motorcyclists for this to be 'alien'. Hell, if it was me and it was an alien, I'd be clambering all over it to claim the glory of the discovery. But nothing like what you would expect anyone's reaction to be is being seen here. You'd expect to shout, scream, people getting off their cycles and trying to get at the figure.

And if I was an alien, the last place I would want to be seen at night is wandering down a highway.

None of it just adds up........
Similar videos tend to show up on line from/in the US around Halloween. They are usually found to be publicity stunts for pop-up Halloween shops like Spirit and Halloween Express. I know we've had at least a few here for discussion the last couple years.

Most of these videos I've seen have the same, or similar, setting to the video shown entity of some type (alien, Bigfeetz, ghost, etc.) illuminated by passing automobile headlights as it walks along the side of the road in a rural area. Amazing, someone in the car always seems to have their cellphone out and videoing at the exact instant the varmint comes into view.
Duke writes, "Amazing, someone in the car always seems to have their cellphone out and videoing at the exact instant the varmint comes into view."

Driving a tall truck I can verify their phone always seems to be at the ready in the passengers hand, laps or the dashboard.

Walking about ET's are occasionally filmed world wide looking lost and maybe confused. They could be abandoned crew members failing to rendezvous after inspecting our environment.

Faked, for what weird reasons, or not it's a very catchy video!

MK IV ∆= ⚾
This doesn't even have to be CGI. Tall skinny guy in an all-white skin-tight suit walking funny for the camera. My little brother could have done that easily. He was a 6. 5" string bean!! LOL, he and I didn't even look related. He was tall and about as big around as my thigh with green eyes and I was shorter at 6'2" but build like a barrel with blue eyes. I could grab him up and lift him over my head like a barbell. He hated that...

If this was real, the motorcycle people would either pass him and be gone or get a LOT closer and more personal. That is just the nature of the beast that we call humanity. Strange-looking people have a hard time.
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