Time Traveler 911 call

I was a 911 operator then a police officer for several years. The actors on that supposed tape do not sound like they should. In a real situation like that, you would hear police radio transmissions in the background and the lady would not be so calm. The 911 operator wouldn't be talking so much to her either. He would obtain the initial necessary info then tell her to stay on the phone quietly until officers arrive. In the supposed tape, you hear a quick boop boop of an officer's siren when the police arrive. The purpose of the siren is to clear traffic. You don't hear any sirens then as they pull up, you hear the toot toot which is pointless at that point but it adds to the drama of the tape. If you respond to a burglary home invasion in progress, you wouldn't use your siren nearby anyway because you'd want to apprehend the intruder, not scare him off by announcing your prescence. Two final points....bleeding from the ears is a sign of a concussion and very serious as is having only a weak pulse. That guy wouldn't be brought to the sheriff's office, he'd be rushed to the nearest trauma center. Finally, the FBI supposedly responds within an hour. In the middle of the night. I was a cop in NJ near NYC. It would take about 2 or 3 hours to get a hold of the FBI office and have agents respond to a bank robbery and that would be a weekday during the day when the field offices were open in an area with many agents stationed in the NJ/NYC area, let alone some rural area that has only a couple of local police and uses a sheriff's department as back up. Getting an FBI response within an hour in the middle of the night isn't happening unless an alien spacecraft crashes. Plus the officers on scene would have treated this as a medical call with a possibly emotionally disturbed woman. The police wouldn't have even called the FBI because they wouldn't have believed her.
Great job debunking this. I look forward to seeing you weigh in on other topics. Welcome to the forum.
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