Time Glitch stories


Sep 16, 2013
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South of Indy
Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal


I believe, at some point, a similar event has happened to most people. Are these actually time slips or something entirely different? Is it a temporary transport to a parallel universe? What do you think?

“Help!!!! Ok so about 2 hours ago me and my fiance went to go get some food. We got in the freeway and had about a 4 min drive until our exit. Now the place we went to eat is somewhere we frequent often. So we get off on our exit and make a left turn (the direction is important) and continue to go straight after that. We drove for about 5 mins and suddenly realized that there was no other traffic in the road going either direction. I live in Fresno, CA and although it’s no L.A or San Francisco we still are a big city and there is always some kind of traffic. It wasn’t too late (11:45 pm) so not only is there no traffic but there is NOBODY around and all the street lights were out. My fiance made a comment on this and we both got a little freaked out but shrugged it off.

We then realized we were going the opposite direction of what we had thought (as if we had turned right not left like we are sure we did). We had been driving for over 10 mins by that point and our destination (once off the freeway) is at most 3 minutes away. We were at least 5 miles away from out destination and in the complete opposite direction. There was also a very heavy feeling of being the only people in the entire town, it felt like all the people in town were just gone! We are sure that we turned the right way and even if we hadn’t we can’t explain the disappearance of people or traffic, the heavy creepy feeling we got or the fact that even if we had turned the wrong way it took way longer to get the point we were at then it should have. Once we realized we were going the wrong way we turned around and all of the sudden everything was back to normal. Street lights are back on, there’s traffic and people in the street. So we start freaking out trying to figure out what in the hell just happened.

So we get home and I start to tell my teenage son what happened when all of the sudden my Ipad turns itself on and Siri asks if she can help me. Now anyone with an Apple product know that in order to get to Siri you have to hold the home button down for at least 5 seconds or more. So we’re all freaking out over that. Then about 15 mins later our hallway light that my fiancé is 100% sure he turned off was back on. We don’t know what is going on and we’re kinda freaked out can anyone explain what we just went through!?” TH

“I was getting groceries with this girl and we left in different cars. I pulled out and left before she had shut the trunk and got in. I drove fast most of the way home but took a different route; just one street over and it had no lights. Somehow she was at my house unloading with her kid out! I was blown away!! I didn't stop but three or so times to turn and she drove the main street with five stop lights. I have never known her to drive fast or as fast as I was driving. She would have to had been going 100 down the street not hitting lights to catch me and I wasn't important to her to risk her child. It made my blood run cold when she looked at me.” EZ

“I had a weird experience many years ago (around 1973), the memory of which has never left me. It is only small. I was on my dinner hour and walking through a busy town. As I lifted my leg up everything froze, including the people. It went completely silent. Then my foot hit the ground, almost like I had jumped off a step, it was like I had gone through a "doorway", and everything was back to 'normal' I can remember wondering if I had 'died' or something for the 2 seconds or so when I was 'frozen.' Whatever it was it was such a weird experience I remember it clearly 45 years on. A glitch?” SH
These time slips really make me think about the true nature of our reality. Is our spirit residing in a computer matrix and our body just an avatar of sorts. It’s really strange.
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