This is insane...

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"Gun violence is as serious as the Ebola virus" You have GOT to be kidding me!!! How much had they been drinking when they came up with this??? There is no, I repeat, NO sense in this whole "voluntary" program. What worries me is when it becomes mandatory.
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He retracted this offer after outrage from the public. Sadly people who follow the moms group believes everything the media and bloomberg tell them. Although every stat they have out out has been found to be false people still follow blindly. Those that give up freedoms for a false sense of security deserve neither freedom nor security. Its disgusting people die for our freedoms for others to just hand them over no questions asked. Actually makes my blood boil. I usd to start my day dropping facts to these gun and freedom grabbers but now i have been blocked from all their pages. They dont like someone who actually makes sense.
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He retracted this offer after outrage from the public. Sadly people who follow the moms group believes everything the media and bloomberg tell them. Although every stat they have out out has been found to be false people still follow blindly. Those that give up freedoms for a false sense of security deserve neither freedom nor security. Its disgusting people die for our freedoms for others to just hand them over no questions asked. Actually makes my blood boil. I usd to start my dad dropping facts to these gun and freedom grabbers but now i have been blocked from all their pages. They dont like someone who actually makes sense.
I hear you! The gungrabbers "logic" just infuriates me. It is so SIMPLE: If they legislate gun grabbing, the ONLY people who will have guns are the bad guys!! It's that simple! :mad: Bad guys will ALWAYS have guns. If law-abiding citizens' guns are taken away, they are left with no way to protect themselves. It is NOT rocket science! I cannot believe how brainwashed the grabbers are that they honestly think taking away guns will stop crime - they live in a false reality of unicorns and peace symbols. For a good read - John Lott's More Guns, Less Crime.
Agreed. What is more infuriating is that their logic suggest that law abiding citzens are the real danger. All their laws affect u,s not criminals. Its like at my work, i work in a tox lab right next to a pharmacy which has several breaks in every year. I work at night with only 3 other people. None of us are management or security or anything. Just the little lab rats that keep everythung rolling. I am not allowed to bring my ccw into work. Their reason is to keep work a safe environment. And they included that even if you have a licsense to carry to work it does not supersede their ban on weapons. The last break in at the pharmacy occurred in December at night and no one even bothered to tell us. The custodial overheard the situatuon from his boss,who is facilities manager, and told us so we would be aware. What happens when people try to break into our lab for our standards or to try and get to the pharmacy from our lab at night? ( we are all in the same building complex, and they have tried entering the pharmacy from the roof and pretty much every place possible) Who is going to be there to stop them? So work really thinks the bigger threat is the law abiding citzen who will cause terror there and not a criminal! We are treated like the criminals. And tox labs are always threatened. At the last lab i worked at in Nashville the threats got so bad, before i left they had an armed guard patrolling the building at all times. So my rights and freedoms to protect myself are taken away so they can create the illusion of false security. At least when i worked in Nashville there were 20+ people there at any time. Its just rediculous.
Agreed. What is more infuriating is that their logic suggest that law abiding citzens are the real danger. All their laws affect u,s not criminals. Its like at my work, i work in a tox lab right next to a pharmacy which has several breaks in every year. I work at night with only 3 other people. None of us are management or security or anything. Just the little lab rats that keep everythung rolling. I am not allowed to bring my ccw into work. Their reason is to keep work a safe environment. And they included that even if you have a licsense to carry to work it does not supersede their ban on weapons. The last break in at the pharmacy occurred in December at night and no one even bothered to tell us. The custodial overheard the situatuon from his boss,who is facilities manager, and told us so we would be aware. What happens when people try to break into our lab for our standards or to try and get to the pharmacy from our lab at night? ( we are all in the same building complex, and they have tried entering the pharmacy from the roof and pretty much every place possible) Who is going to be there to stop them? So work really thinks the bigger threat is the law abiding citzen who will cause terror there and not a criminal! We are treated like the criminals. And tox labs are always threatened. At the last lab i worked at in Nashville the threats got so bad, before i left they had an armed guard patrolling the building at all times. So my rights and freedoms to protect myself are taken away so they can create the illusion of false security. At least when i worked in Nashville there were 20+ people there at any time. Its just rediculous.
Exactly - it's all illusion and feel good policy. Let's have a gun free zone and then we'll all be safe because there are no guns. :rolleyes: These people live in utter denial. "Gun free" means "criminal safe"! :mad: If some whiny lib is afraid of guns or whatever their issue is, fine, don't carry one - but don't create and legislate an environment where I can't protect me and my family, coworkers, or whoever else I may be able to protect from bad guys who are intent on being criminals! :mad:
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