The Terrifying True Story Behind ‘Bloody Mary’

I have only ever heard of Bloody Mary the 'game' being based on Queen Mary I of England. Neither of the other two options in that article make a bit of sense. Why would it refer to Mary Queen of Scots if there was little violence around her? And why would it be called Bloody Mary if it was based on a woman called Elizabeth?
I think it was how she died. The executioner did not do a clean job of chopping off her head.
I remember this from elementary school. I was always too afraid to try it. I think even if this is a silly game the intention behind it may open a door, or give permission for something to come through. Probably not a good idea.
Bloody Mary has always made me stand off is. When I was about 9 is I heard about it from my cousin's . They wanted me to do it with them but said no. My aunt Dixie asked what was going on told her they gonna do bloody Mary. She laughed and said it is all in fun. We heard then laughing then saying the verses. Got quite my cousin screamed my other one was white as a ghost when he walked into the living room. My one cousin got scratched down her back, 3 scratches. My aunt got mad at my other cousin for hurting his sister but he proved he had no nails.
So I looked her up found all that.
My cousin for yrs after that was never the same.
Did they ever describe what they saw in the mirror ?