The Stars and Horiscopes


Truth Seeker
May 24, 2019
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What are y'alls opinions on the relationship between the movements of the planets and the actions of people and our world? I am a stargazer and like to keep an eye on the placement of planets when different major things happen.

To some extent, I suspect that in the making of a horoscope and interpreting the various placements and movements that a truly gifted psychic can make some pretty amazing predictions. This isn't magic of the stars I don't think so much as it is the person's psychic abilities using these things to focus and find the right path. I can do this with tarot cards. They aren't magic and I don't believe that I am making contact with anything paranormal. I am just using the cards to help my abilities tell me what need to know. I think that intuitive ability is not connected to word-based thought patterns. Rather it is more affected by things that are visual and emotional.

I remember the story of Hellen Keller. blind and deaf she had no way to communicate with other people until someone breached that wall through the sense of touch. I believe that the intuitive part of my mind is a little like Hellen Keller and so tries to communicate with me via other means. When I look at the cards I never seem to see them exactly the same way. Different little parts of the picture will seem to jump out at me. A man standing on a bluff looking out to sea may one time make me think that he is anticipating the return or rival of something that he wants. It is a feeling of pleasant anticipation. the next time that same picture will carry feelings of loss and a feeling that something is leaving him or has left him and won't return. It carries melancholia to me. The card didn't change. What changes were the feelings that I got from it. I think that this is how my intuitive nature communicates with me.

I suspect that in the reading of the placement of the stars the same sort of thing can happen. Each person will find their best way to this. All of it is just a way to focus the mind and allow a special part of it to be heard from.

I offer this up without a clear understanding. I recommend that you stay close to home from the end of June through about the middle to the last week of July. Say June 25th through July 25 with a focus seeming to be on the time period from July 4th through July 7th. ??? I do know this, the placement of the planets over that time period is a rare alignment. When I ran it back the last time this alignment occurred was December 7 1941...the day Pearl Harbor was hit. When I saw this alignment it immediately made me feel nervous. ???
I suspect that in the reading of the placement of the stars the same sort of thing can happen. Each person will find their best way to this. All of it is just a way to focus the mind and allow a special part of it to be heard from.
Very well put and it is much how I use "tools" to connect with the universal mind that can whisper to each of us.

Your overall theory is spot on, imo. I often quote Gen. 1:14...And God put the stars in the sky as signs...

Adding to this, we often pray hoping for an answer. Sometimes, when we listen to that voice within, we are guided to those signs for those answers from whatever our own understanding of God/divine/Source might be.

I will keep your warning in mind during that time period, Dan. I heard a few psychics in the last few days actually mention that time period as well.
What are y'alls opinions on the relationship between the movements of the planets and the actions of people and our world?
It may not be so farfetched. If my basic understanding of physics is correct, every object in the universe affects every other object through gravity as a function of mass and distance. Distances between objects change over time depending on their respective orbits. Mass changes over time as stars and planets form and die. These influences may be mathematically infinitesimal at the extremes (the skeptics position), but there is still some non-zero effect. I haven't a clue as to how any of that translates into an accurate prediction of what a person's life will be like or what events will transpire. But nonetheless, I'm going to leave the door open on that basis alone.
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I have an orrery app that shows me where the planets are. I can run it forward and back to see where the planets were on any given date or just let it run fast and watch the movements. This year in July the planets Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, earth Venus, and Mercury are going to almost line up on one side of the sun. This is a very notable alignment. When I set it to run back to see when it had last happened I was surprised when they lined back up and I stopped it that the date was December 7, 1941. Probably just a coincidence but my blood ran cold when I saw that. My problem is that I'm not sure that I believe in coincidences. I have been having a lot of bad feelings about this coming year. In part that is because I just despise election years because of the insane level of negativity that it always generates. I owned a business for 25 years and every presidential election year was financially a bad year. When people are nervous their spending habits change. I can see the forthcoming election being an especially bad one filled with negativity and angst. I'm hoping that the feelings that I am getting are from that...
I tend to look at things through a faith based lense. I think everything has a plan and a purpose and we all fit together in it. I do believe we are born at exactly the time to fit our life’s course which is reflected in the stars and planets.