The Most Annoying...

Deflection. When you bring up something someone did that pissed you off and they tell you 15 things you did to piss them off 35 years ago
I can’t stand when people trying to leverage your mistakes when you call them out on something
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Which one is a better question. People in public restaurants (adults) chewing with their mouth open, talking with their mouths full and then relieving their bodily gasses as loudly as possible while encouraging their children to do the same. No respect or courtesy for other patrons, & just the opposite examples of what I'm trying to teach my babies NOT to do. I also agree with Charleh, Lynne & Jad
Which one is a better question. People in public restaurants (adults) chewing with their mouth open, talking with their mouths full and then relieving their bodily gasses as loudly as possible while encouraging their children to do the same. No respect or courtesy for other patrons, & just the opposite examples of what I'm trying to teach my babies NOT to do. I also agree with Charleh, Lynne & Jad
Good to know you’re gonna raise your kids to have some morals. And manners. Too many parents can’t be bothered.
Good to know you’re gonna raise your kids to have some morals. And manners. Too many parents can’t be bothered.

I expect my children to be respectful, in all aspects of their lives. They are taught please, thank you etc. and also to always be kind. Everyone has struggles in their lives & we don't know what they are so my children are taught not to judge, just try to understand & choose to walk away from the negative instead of being pulled into it. But when dealing with young children miss a & baby j, these types of examples are hard for them to understand when they see adults acting this way... needless to say we don't eat out often
"What annoys you the most ?"
The short story with the one central common denominator: People.
People without manners in public are involved. Or its counterpart, people who know how to behave, but they're so angry and selfish, that they purposefully irritate everybody around them, and become indignant when you call them out on it. We are supposed to get with the times and accommodate them ?
Golf has 500 years of tradition, and almost courtly, arcane, rules of etiquette. And now some people blast Lil' Kim on their Bluetooth speakers.

(There is a special level of hell for these people. And I hope when they get assigned a demon, it's an angry Scotsman playing bagpipes for eternity. :D)