The Email Art Talked About At the end of Open Lines Friday Aug 8

Art presents many topics and often let's us make up our own minds on a subject. However, he also brings along an entertainment factor with the program. Now, think about how everyone is reading this today and pondering it. It does have our attention, does it not?
Yes it does. And I agree with you.

but.... this is a small fear that I have regarding Art.... I don't want him 'turning' into a 'one of those types'
Because I trust Art as I'm sure a lot of us do.
So, I suppose it's really because of that is why I am hesitant about the David thing.

It would be great to have David on the show and take open line questions! XD
That may happen....

And Art has always had that entertainment factor included in his show. Keeps us coming back to hear more. One thing he does do is try to present the facts, which leaves it up to us to decide reality or fantasy.
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Sitting here watching STG, season 1, episode 26. Gee, it's almost verbatum what the "future" looks like described by our time traveller. This is the episode where people from almost 400 years ago are rescued and brought back to life and the crew has to explain the changes that have taken place. Very suspicous for our time traveller's resource material. lol
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