That's a lot of turtles!


Linux Inside!
Oct 24, 2013
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East of the Rockies

A few miles from the tail end of Garden State Parkway South, in an upstairs corner of Victoria and Steve Zelenak's Cape May home, a rat dangles from a ceiling fan.

This is no ordinary rat -- he is Splinter, sensei and mentor to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. And he is not alone. The entire two-toed crew -- Raphael, Michelangelo, Donatello and Leonardo -- fill the space in the form of action figures, plush dolls and comic books. But that's not all -- the turtles' green, masked mugs are splashed across tubes of toothpaste, packs of bubblegum and boxes of gelatin dessert mix.

You see, Victoria and Steve's son, Jonathan, is the ultimate ninja turtles fanboy.

Yet this explosion of "turtle power" is all too organized to be the domain of a child. That's probably because Jonathan Zelenak is 31.


My kids were into the Turtles back in the 90s. To this day I can hear that song in my head... :eek:
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Reactions: Debi and Indigo
Loved them as a kid! I thought this was going to be about all the nesting snapping turtles when I first saw this headline lol. Does anyone else have a snapping turtle nesting season upon them? Every day I walk the dogs I either see where there is a clutch recently buried or I find a turtle actively laying. Awesome to see. & then of course I'm that but stopping to move them off the road. :)
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Reactions: surge nut* thanks autocorrect lol.