Tech making us inferior to goldfish!


Linux Inside!
Oct 24, 2013
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East of the Rockies

If you use multiple digital devices, then you may have a shorter attention span than a goldfish. According to Microsoft, "The average human attention span in 2000 was 12 seconds, but by 2013 it was only 8 seconds (1 second shorter than a goldfish!)."

Microsoft researchers surveyed 2,000 Canadians and used electroencephalograms (EEG scans) to study the brain activity of 112 participants. Microsoft said the goal for its cross-screen evolution research "is to understand what impact technology and today's digital lives are having on attention spans."

The research found that "overall, digital lifestyles have a negative impact on prolonged focus." Multi-screening behavior, media consumption, social media usage, and technology adoption rate were listed as top factors that impact attention span and the ability to stay focused on a single task.


Maybe it's just the Canadians who are affected!
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I've been saying this for years! The majority of the population are turning into tech junkies. Not only do they have to be constantly entertained, but it's turning them into zombies, virtually oblivious to what's going on around them.
Wrote a paper on this once during grad school. TV commercials are designed specifically to capture attention in short blips, the news has their sound bites, cartoons have so much more motion per frame than they ever did, in some cases it was up to 10xs as much motion per frame than it was in the 80s. Add the flashing lights and kids having seizures lol. Oh god, what is the world...wait what were we saying? :p