Strange sounds in the sky continue

You know, sometimes where I live we hear loud unexplainable booms that echo through the hills, but have no cause (not gunshots, not artillery, etc.). Now, I have seen what I believe to be suspicious UFO-type (truly unidentifiable) activities around the same time these booms start to act up. They can happen at night or in the day.
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Have you ever had a UFO experience, Indigo? And what area of the country are you from, if I may ask? I'm from Indiana, and I've actually had a close-up run in with a triangle UFO....and prefer not to have another, I might add! :eek:
Yes, I believe so. I have seen strange things in the sky, and am an avid stargazer, but once I had a very scary experience 3 years ago and it was actually on Memorial Day. I was letting my dogs outside to go potty, it was around 10:30 at night. The lights of my porch (security lights & porch lights) were on. I was looking out watching my little dog (don't want an owl to get her we have a lot here) & all of a sudden there appeared a very bright light and it appeared over my neighbor's garage. I tried to figure it out - was it a helicopter? No, and I started screaming for my dogs to come inside because the light was rapidly getting closer. When I started screaming for them it literally disappeared it shrunk down in size and literally zoomed off. A fear so strong overcame me, I left the dogs and ran inside & started crying instantly (feat response) and shaking all over. I actually laid down right on the kitchen floor- my husband didn't understand what was wrong and I couldn't speak. After 20 minutes or so I finally could speak coherently & told him what I had seen. Since I was a little girl I've had odd dreams about aliens & was absolutely terrified of ET as a child. I was forced to watch ET by a babysitter, but I was afraid long before that ever happened & had the strange dreams before then too. That is the closest encounter I've had. I know and have seen spirit lights, this was not a spirit light (as those while mysterious do not put the fear in me). I am in NY.
uranus.......a ball of gas and it sounds like it:)
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Yes, I believe so. I have seen strange things in the sky, and am an avid stargazer, but once I had a very scary experience 3 years ago and it was actually on Memorial Day.
Hi Indigo! Nice to have you here. I don't want to alarm you, but do you think in the past you have been an experiencer? It might account for your fear of ET or your reaction to seeing the light above your neighbor's house.
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Hey Naked! I heard you on the show too! I'm not alarmed and I've often wondered the same. My dreams aren't of a malevolent nature, but neither are they warm/friendly...they are cold and sterile & I fight against having them. Sometimes I win. But when I do not, the beings in my dream do not harm me or anything, they just make me mad/confused by their 'haughty' nature & I encounter other humans that are confused as well, but not treated badly. I'm not sure what they mean or why I have them, but anything is within the realm of possibility. The universe is one big mystery & I'm but an insignificant speck. While that encounter I spoke of was very much too close to comfort, I also hold out some kind of hope that there is a race of extraterrestrial beings who can save us from ourselves, & heal our beautiful planet without wanting anything in return (except a promise that we will never destroy Earth again).