Spirituality and Blue Orbs


Sep 16, 2013
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South of Indy
"spook lights" or lights you can see with the naked eye such as fairy lights, the marfa lights, the brown mountain lights, theres one in the missouri town of joplin i believe, and one in a small coastal town here in georgia we were just talking about visiting a few days ago.....these i can get behind and believe something to them. just orbs caught on camera or that dont seem to generate their own light source, (not seen with the naked eye or just reflecting surrounding light) i question as just being dust or other natural occurances.... but i dunno
"spook lights" or lights you can see with the naked eye such as fairy lights, the marfa lights, the brown mountain lights, theres one in the missouri town of joplin i believe, and one in a small coastal town here in georgia we were just talking about visiting a few days ago.....these i can get behind and believe something to them. just orbs caught on camera or that dont seem to generate their own light source, (not seen with the naked eye or just reflecting surrounding light) i question as just being dust or other natural occurances.... but i dunno
I believe this article is referring mainly to the ones seen by the naked eye, Paul. I've seen one flying through my bedroom, so I kinda believe them to be a "thing"....and as you say, some seen in pics are just dust. But these blue lights, or those of different colors, seem to have an intelligence involved, IMO. What that is, I don't know.
I believe this article is referring mainly to the ones seen by the naked eye, Paul. I've seen one flying through my bedroom, so I kinda believe them to be a "thing"....and as you say, some seen in pics are just dust. But these blue lights, or those of different colors, seem to have an intelligence involved, IMO. What that is, I don't know.
exactly, the ones seen. that generate their own light source i find of interest.... the ones on camera or pics by paranormal investigators i question.... not saying they are all fake or anything, just that with optics, cameras, etc.... there are too many variables to believe most are of a paranormal nature.
exactly, the ones seen. that generate their own light source i find of interest.... the ones on camera or pics by paranormal investigators i question.... not saying they are all fake or anything, just that with optics, cameras, etc.... there are too many variables to believe most are of a paranormal nature.
Agreed. I actually was on the fence with these until one decided to visit me. I know, sounds woo woo, but it's true. Brought me right off my fence.
Agreed. I actually was on the fence with these until one decided to visit me. I know, sounds woo woo, but it's true. Brought me right off my fence.
not sure if i would say im on the fence about orbs, one way or the other.. do i believe a spirit might be in orb form (or a ball of energy?)...yes, i do..thats why im interested in those that self illuminate, (the energy part).... but then, do i believe most orbs are spirits?...nope, no way... do i believe you can take any random picture and probably get an orb in it?, ..yep, really easy to do, (especially with digital cams that will produce them themselves if the strip is dirty....lol)....and no i dont think its a spirit...lol.... so in one way, sure i think an orb can be a spirit, but in the paranormal investigator way of thinking that all orbs caught are spirits, well, no, not buying it...lol.... just a product of the ghost hunting popularity... nothing wrong with the idea itself though, everything has to be considered and tested. i just think its been done a little too much and instead of tested it has become a "its definately a spirit" craze... if that makes sence....
I have seen many orbs with just my eyes. Even recorded them on a Marco Polo I sent once! Only pea-sized, bright silver. Flew right by my face in my office in broad daylight. The first few were too low for the camera, but several were caught, including one coming over my shoulder. Saw one the size of a softball passing through my garage. The dog saw it too and chased after it in the backyard. It went another fifteen feet and vanished.

I have seen more visual anomalies than I ever captured on night vision video.
Well, in terms of mundane explanations, the classic example is the Hessdalen Lights (linked) in Norway. When caught on film the go to explanation is dust particles or tricks of the light. Then there are the cases where there are no answers. I suspect that there may be a form of drone that utilizes wormhole technology at play for some of the more military seeming applications.