Skinwalker Ranch (Updates)

Lynne I noticed you asked in chat about Travis looking ill. I agree he did in some shots. When he was in the field doing the experiment, he looked a bit older but the same. In the narrative spots, which may have been filmed later, he looked puffy to me. Reminds me of steriod treatment puffiness. His face looked like mine does after a run of steriods to treat something.
I noticed the puffiness but thought maybe he had just put on a bit of weight.

As for the episode itself, I would have liked to see them do a bit more with the two helicopters. When Travis was on the ground and had to move away from the Triangle before his signal was detected my first thought was to do the same thing in the air. Have the receiving copter hover in position then have the transmitting copter fly around at different heights and angles to see where the signal is and is not being blocked.

Also, looking forward to drilling into the Mesa.
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I agree Travis did look a tad off. With a new season going, i really hope to see fewer rockets launched. I think that style of investigation has already flown (no pun intended lol) to and from and back again, side to side, inside and out. The GPS issue also has already been tested multiple times and discussed at great lengths. I get the reasoning and there is a process for scientific research, but it's starting to feel like rinse and repeat. Ancient gathering structures are proven to resonate at a certain frequency that i can't remember off hand. Wonder if blasting that at the triangle would trigger something with the anomaly? Many cultures utilized it so there is a universal reason and or purpose behind it. Maybe that frequency will attract a UAP or some of the lost test items might be vibrated out of the thing lol.
I agree Travis did look a tad off. With a new season going, i really hope to see fewer rockets launched. I think that style of investigation has already flown (no pun intended lol) to and from and back again, side to side, inside and out. The GPS issue also has already been tested multiple times and discussed at great lengths. I get the reasoning and there is a process for scientific research, but it's starting to feel like rinse and repeat. Ancient gathering structures are proven to resonate at a certain frequency that i can't remember off hand. Wonder if blasting that at the triangle would trigger something with the anomaly? Many cultures utilized it so there is a universal reason and or purpose behind it. Maybe that frequency will attract a UAP or some of the lost test items might be vibrated out of the thing lol.
I believe the frequency was 1.6 and that was the frequency they were sending between the two helicopters.
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I believe the frequency was 1.6 and that was the frequency they were sending between the two helicopters.
I was talking about the frequencies broadly between 95-120 hertz. The most common being 111 hertz. They have discussed the 1.6 government signal thing plenty of times to never forget it lol.
Great news! Every week in May there will be TWO Secret of Skinwalker Ranch episodes; bonus episodes from “Behind the Gates” where they take a look behind the scenes into the production and documentation of the Secret of Skinwalker Ranch!