Season of the Witch

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Sep 16, 2013
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South of Indy
It's that time of year again! For most it's called Halloween. For us wiccans, it's called Samhain. In the "spirit" of the season, I'd like to share with you some of the "tools" we use in our craft, and make today "Ask a Witch" day. Feel free to ask anything, as I'm trying to change the perception of witches from the Wicked Witch of the West to Glinda of the North!

I also would like to know from you, has your perception of Wiccans changed over the past year? Do you feel it is rightfully now a legalized "religion"?


Going clockwise, we have my Book of Shadows, scent sticks, my crystal and Tarot Box, Holy Water, candle, my shell for sage, dowsing rods, ceremonial dagger, and Scrying mirror.
Okay, nice assortment there, but where's your broom? (Bad surge, bad!!) :D

Seriously, though, those are some interesting looking items. I assume the mirror and dagger are from a set? Hand crafted? Very nice detail, and the sage bowl looks well used.

My perception of Wiccans has changed. I used to think of them as sort of a fringe religion, having more in common with druidism than anything else. I now see elements of many different religions present in Wicca, and I have to say that you are largely responsible for my altered perception.

And legalized religion, I would say yes. The Armed Services recognize Wicca, so I suppose that's enough.

So, your Book of Shadows. I gather this isn't exactly like the Bible, where you pop into a store and buy a copy that is like every other Bible on everybody else's shelf. My thought is it's more individualized... more something written by you than for you. Elaborate?

Great topic, by the way!
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Glad I could help open your eyes to the reality of what we are, hon! And no...don't have the broom! If I did, I'd want it with high horse power and automatic transmission! :p

The Book of Shadows is very individual. I know a lot of Wiccans are now using the computer to type out their Books, but I'm still the old fashioned girl who prefers to hand write her spells, prayers, and even perceptions of things. I feel it gives it personal power by taking the time to write it with your own energy. It's basically a book of knowledge, where you put what you wish to remember. In my book I have everything from spells to quotes I find interesting and compelling. If I hear something on the radio or TV that broadens my understanding of the universe, it goes in the book.

And yes, the mirror and dagger are from a set. They are handcrafted and really old. They were given to me as a gift from a fellow Wiccan and I have used them pretty much my whole life. The dagger, incidentally, normally resides at my bedside. They feature the three faces of the Goddess...maiden, mother, and crone. It's basically the three faces of the feminine force, and the phases of what all women walk in life. The scrying mirror, BTW, is not a normal "mirror". The mirror is actually black, so that we don't see our reflections.
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Meant to add about the shell....yup, that poor old shell has been around for a very long time and burned a lot of incense and sage! I used quite a bit in home cleansings as well. Most of my "tools" are quite heavily used, actually. I'm actually adding them into my will to go to someone I know will have use for them. Most Wiccans prefer their tools go to someone who will understand the significance of them.
Someone asked me in a private conversation to describe what a Wiccan is. Figured it should go here. I'm going to use a quote from my Book of Shadows. It's from someone named Edain McCoy:

When one defines oneself as wiccan/pagan, it means she or he follows an earth or nature religion, one that sees the divine manifest in all creation. The cycles of nature are our holy days, the earth is our temple, it's plants and creatures our partners and teachers. We worship a deity that is both male and female, a mother Goddess and a father God, who together created all that is, was and will be. We respect life, cherish the free will of sentient beings, and accept the sacredness of all creation.
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I know I'm interested and have been a long time... Reading etc... But I must say your virtual holy water sucks! I was STILL VERY ill!! Lol!! I think to each their own, whatever makes them feel whole or complete. I DISLIKE. Whole heartidly those that try to cram their beliefs down your throat as if anything you feel or do is wrong...
It's that time of year again! For most it's called Halloween. For us wiccans, it's called Samhain. In the "spirit" of the season, I'd like to share with you some of the "tools" we use in our craft, and make today "Ask a Witch" day. Feel free to ask anything, as I'm trying to change the perception of witches from the Wicked Witch of the West to Glinda of the North!

I also would like to know from you, has your perception of Wiccans changed over the past year? Do you feel it is rightfully now a legalized "religion"?

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Going clockwise, we have my Book of Shadows, scent sticks, my crystal and Tarot Box, Holy Water, candle, my shell for sage, dowsing rods, ceremonial dagger, and Scrying mirror.
Thanks for sharing your religion with us Ma!

I have to admit I don't know anything about it. I know when I was teaching, some of the kids were Wiccan, but we weren't really supposed to talk about religion, so I didn't learn anything from them at the time. I should have studied up on it, but never did.

What little I do know is only because of good old "Droopy Eye Noory" since he mentions it once in a while. He consistently defends the religion, so at least he has that going for him.
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Later she said in the quote they worship a dietybthat is both male and female a goddess. Since items are of personal nature to the individual maybe that's why she chose (?or handed) the 3 faces? My guess... As I type n walk doing rounds....
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Later she said in the quote they worship a dietybthat is both male and female a goddess. Since items are of personal nature to the individual maybe that's why she chose (?or handed) the 3 faces? My guess... As I type n walk doing rounds....
Ah, you're right Becki, thanks!
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Sorry typing and walking sucks worse than my usual!!
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