Pet Peeves: Guys vs. Gals


Sep 16, 2013
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South of Indy
I have found over the years that there IS a difference between how men and women perceive the world around them....which can result in a few pet peeves popping up along the way! Since I'm one of the gals, I know mine are purely from the feminine point of view, so in all fairness, I welcome those from the guys as well.

Some of the ones I have are:

How can you look at a roll of toilet paper just sitting there and NOT put it on the dispenser?

Why is "empty the dishwasher" an equation for leave it sit on the counter once out of the dishwasher?

Why is it every tool you use ends up on my kitchen table? Does it have magical properties and will return itself to it's natural habitat of the tool shed? get the idea...what bugs you about the other sex? :hearteyecat:
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I really put some thought into this topic and am coming up empty. Maybe I just try to head off problems before they build up. Oh, and I'm tidy, organized. Uncle Sam was not dumb when they let me run a barracks.:) Sorry, but I can't really come up with a broad brushed comment. Not that you asked for generalities, .. tricky. For everything that irks me, I've known women who are exceptions to the rule.
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I really put some thought into this topic and am coming up empty. Maybe I just try to head off problems before they build up. Oh, and I'm tidy, organized. Uncle Sam was not dumb when they let me run a barracks.:) Sorry, but I can't really come up with a broad brushed comment. Not that you asked for generalities, .. tricky. For everything that irks me, I've known women who are exceptions to the rule.
And THIS, ladies and gents, is a TRUE gentleman! (And pretty smart, too!)
Debi, can I have that printed up as a hall pass? I'm about to commit my next mistake. (Ah no she's sweet.)
Commiting to me is were just dating.
Debi, can I have that printed up as a hall pass? I'm about to commit my next mistake. (Ah no she's sweet.)
Commiting to me is were just dating.
Yes you may! (Have it on standy by....just in case! lol) And good luck, Romeo...err..Paint!
I learned a long time ago that this is a trick question. I prefer not to answer. I will tell you a pet peeve that is gender independent. Why do some restaurant customers fill their buffet plates to overflowing ?. You can make more than one trip. How do you know that you will like everything that you selected ? If you get full, you have wasted food. My preference is to make three or four trips partially filling each plate. Each plate can be a course, if you will: Soup, salad, fruit, meat, desert. Or perhaps the first plate is a sample of each food, then go back for what you especially like. Stop when my stomach is satisfied.
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people that plat pass the buck really annoy me.
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