Perspective and a “Study “ Re: Spirits and Daemons- Differences between them


Aug 20, 2019
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Spirits- Almost always are the ones triggering EMF.
Or-Almost always are the ones triggering EVP
Or-Almost always are the ones appearing in Full Spectum/Normal Cameras.
Usually if evidence is apparent as above, it will be one, maybe two, methods registered, not all. Very rarely have I seen this, and 9 times out of 10 it’s either EMF or EVP- almost never together.

Usually Don’t use/Cannot use telekinesis ( move things, slam doors, trigger appliances/ turn things on. )

Daemons- Almost never ( never personally witnessed it ) trigger EMF.
Almost always are responsible for Telekinetic displays.
Almost never register on EVP.
Rarely show on camera.
Are ALWAYS malevolent.
Almost always are lying; or are manipulative and CANNOT be trusted.
Come and go in the Earthly Plane fueled by negativity: Fear and anger fueling their nonsense, perpetually.

Neither Spirit or Daemon can permanently be dismissed. They can be temporarily dispersed, but rest assured, they will be back. Daemons tend to follow a person, and have been around for centuries. They are old, and very intelligent. And, they only exist to cause trouble; for everyone, especially their chosen human(s). Best ignored, and NOT feared. Like a 3 year old POS with ages of experience, don’t give them an inch of ground.

Spirits tend to occupy a specific place. Drawn by occurrences from their life, they revisit the spots of highest significance to them. More than likely not “bound” to these places, they travel from a neutral ( or possibly even peaceful) plane of existence, back to the earthly plane. They are either in hopes that the past incident will somehow be resolved or to connect with the place, object, or people still living related to the occurrence. As with all human beings, be they corporal or singularly spiritual, spirits can be good bad or indifferent. They can be helpful or troublesome. And their motivations are theirs alone to know, lest they communicate honestly to the living.

Be warned. You will never know for certain who or what you are communicating with. It has been said to test the spirits. If something communicates that it is, in fact, your long lost uncle ready to have you help him, be extremely wary and skeptical to a fault. I would advise you take any communication with a grain of salt, and progress intelligently and wisely, if at all.

It is not a portal to hell or the underworld you are opening. It is understanding of yourself, and the true nature of the world and of creation that you have opened. Learn. Research. Gain knowledge and understanding. Wield it well and without fear. Once you learn something, you cannot unlearn it.
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Well, that is certainly one opinion. I differ with you on several points there and agree with you on a few. Teachings may differ, and the one thing I stress here is to never work in absolutes...we simply don't know enough to do so.
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Well, that is certainly one opinion. I differ with you on several points there and agree with you on a few. Teachings may differ, and the one thing I stress here is to never work in absolutes...we simply don't know enough to do so.
I’d love to hear your theories! By no means is this cannon, but collectively my experiences. I believe you can narrow things down very well. And the fact that you can lends even more credibility to paranormal studies. If you can repeat experiments, that makes encounters less mythological and more scientific. If these encounters bow to the laws of science, that makes them even more real, and better understood.