Orb over NJ

I am waiting to hear what Duke thinks. Could this be Venus? GWU can you weigh in on this?
Should be relatively easy to determine if this could have been Venus by looking at his location at the approximate time he shot the video. Assuming the location is accurate, I-78 basically runs NE and SW through there. Looking at the video, the orb appears to be about 15-20° off the highway to his right, and is relatively low on the horizon. Not sure which direction he was going, but shouldn't be too difficult to determine if Venus would have been visible at that relative location going either direction last week at approximately 0630-0700. This process doesn't necessarily confirm he saw/videoed Venus, but it could eliminate it if Venus wouldn't have been visible at the relative location either NW or SW bound.

My first thought was it appears to be a lantern. Hard to say with the guy's camera movements, but it does appear to be moving. Lanterns have a relatively short burns time, +/- 15 minutes usually. So the video in its entirety easily falls within that service life. Also noteworthy he claimed to have seen a a second one. If a second lantern was launched prior to the one concentrated on in the video, it could have burned out by the time he looked for it again to video.
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