Odd words, phrases and music that pops into your head


Truth Seeker
Nov 9, 2017
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Merry olde Englandeshire
We all get bits of music pop into our head and hang around that we can't quite place, but does anybody else gets words and phrases pop into their heads out of nowhere? I can wake up with a phrase in my head that seems important and yet I have no idea what it means. This also happens at random points when I'm awake. Does anybody else get this?

Before the internet I would drive myself crazy all day trying to figure it out and then give up, but now I have the internet I've been looking up the words... and they mean things! A recent one was a word I didn't know which turned out to be a technical term for that part of book at the start which lists publication history and copyright details. I don't remember ever hearing it before.

I just had the phrase 'kirby Krackle' (with a 'k') pop into my head and it's this:
"Kirby Krackle is an artistic convention in superhero and science fiction comic books and similar illustrations, in which a field of black, pseudo-fractal images is used to represent negative space around unspecified kinds of energy. Kirby Krackles are typically used in illustrations of explosions, smoke, the blasts from ray guns, "cosmic" energy, and outer space phenomena."

I'm pretty sure I didn't know that. I may have seen somebody use it somewhere. I have no idea why either of these things popped into my head or any of the rest.

Still, if anyone else has this perhaps we could record them here?
I have had things that just "pop in" to my head . It's called clairsentient. It's a sudden "knowing" of something. Now, the problem with this is "Why" do we suddenly have the knowing given to us? I have found that some of what is given to me comes in quite handy at times. :)

Also, Philip K. Dick and other writers taked about having "downloads" of info given to them. Interesting correlation there.
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Yes, I experience this as well.
I have had what I consider not my thoughts pop into my mind. However I’ve never got something I didn’t know what it was. I always figured it was god or guides causing a recall of something. When they’re negative I think of those as intrusive and pray protection over my mind. It could all just be in my own head too.