Not Another Email.....


Open-minded critical thinker
May 11, 2018
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Dayton, OH
Have you ever visited or logged into a website, only to wind up getting inundated with emails from that site? Was there an "unsubscribe" feature and did you use it? Did the emails stop?
I still have to figure out what to do when you can't unsubscribe.
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I still have to figure out what to do when you can't unsubscribe.
If all else fails, you can designate the sender as "spam" on your email acct settings. You'll never see them again unless you check your spam folder.
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Been there and done that. If I couldn't unsubscribe I blocked them with my preferred email app or server.
When I post a daily question of this nature, it's usually because I've had a recent experience with what I've asked about. This question came about after my dealing with Angi's (formerly Angi's List) on Monday.

We've been having some issues with our garage door, so I googled "garage door repair." An Angi's ad came up at the top of the list, so out of curiosity (and having seen/heard their ads for years), I clicked on it. It all stated out innocently enough, asking about the issue, when repair was needed, city where I was located, etc. It then offered to have multiple estimates sent to me...all I had to do was give them my email address and phone number. This was a tactical error on my part.

Since Monday afternoon, I have gotten nineteen emails from Angi's, and three phone calls. The two estimates I got through them were almost double ($275/$288 v $150) what I got myself from a local door company. The other emails have been for repair services I don't even need, and offers to join their "advantage membership" program that gives me discounts and other perks. One of the phone calls was a survey on how I rated Angi's. All this in less than 48 hours!

I've "unsubscribed" on every email they've sent, and gave the lady on the survey call an earful while asking to be removed from their customer list. Only one email from them today, so we'll see how this goes.
Several years ago I was having a conversation with a co-worker about current events. As it was an election year the subject of politics came up and long story short I surprised my co-worker by listing off the names of a dozen different political 3rd parties, their basic idea and even some of their Presidential candidates. This prompted him to go online and look up all the parties I had mentioned, which in turn led to the absolutely hilarious notion that he should sign me up for all their newsletters. Suddenly I was getting emails and text messages from all these different parties and candidates asking for donations and to volunteer time to help the campaign.

After a few days the whole office knew and they also found the whole scenario hilarious. They weren't so much laughing at me for getting all these communiques but rather laughing at the co-worker who genuinely thought that I didn't know it was him. Apparently, when I wasn't around, he would let slip it was him and laugh about how utterly confused I must be about how my name wound up on all these lists.

My simple solution was to just mark them as spam and move on. This worked for all but one, the local chapter of the Communist Party. They didn't send an automated email, instead it was an actual person who kept contacting me and wanting to meet for lunch to discuss my interest in Communism and how I could be a part of spreading their message. I actually had to engage with this young woman and explain the situation.
Oh, yes, it happened a lot until I learned to block the domain. The email service that I use allows you to block the entire domain of the pesky email sender, if unsubscribing doesn't work. I also use a temporary email service (free) for those sites that nag you into joining just to look around. The email is good for ten minutes then it expires.
Yes and even worse. It wasn't uncommon on my earliest forum to get a random message from someone that sent a message a little sumthin' like this - 'Hi! I'm Simone! I'm VERY interested in you and would like to get to know you better! My number is whatever-whatever-whatever and I hope to hear from you soon!'

I told this on another forum and they found it hilarious. But I ignored each and every request I received.

And just yesterday I got a random text from an email address I didn't recognize that simply said, 'Can I call you?' I deleted it and went about my day.