New Mexico Radiation Leak

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Exposures worse than first admitted.

Isn't that nearly always the case? The first reaction of governments the world over when something like this happens is to deny and obfuscate. Why not just be up front with people? If you don't have all the facts, say so. Just let people know what's going on, and maybe, I dunno, tell them it might not be a bad idea to evacuate the area while they determine how bad the situation really is. There is so much bureaucracy and such a CYA attitude in government these days that it's no wonder the country is being held together with duct tape and bailing wire.
Isn't that nearly always the case? The first reaction of governments the world over when something like this happens is to deny and obfuscate. Why not just be up front with people? If you don't have all the facts, say so. Just let people know what's going on, and maybe, I dunno, tell them it might not be a bad idea to evacuate the area while they determine how bad the situation really is. There is so much bureaucracy and such a CYA attitude in government these days that it's no wonder the country is being held together with duct tape and bailing wire.
Forget the duct tape and bailing wire...we're down to band-aids and dental floss. Betcha didn't hear about Fukushima news of Reactor 3's total meltdown of the core this week, either!

This article is great. The show is on tonight, 3/7/14 on Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis. For those of you who may not know, Clyde is a victim of radiation exposure that has caused genetic changes in his family, leaving Clyde and his son with bouts of renal cancer.
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