New AI "companion"


Sep 16, 2013
Reaction score
South of Indy
Nope. Only this one.
Does anyone want this thing following them around the house?

some of the reasons cited for having this robot are silly.
I would not want that following me around the house. If it went to the store for me sure then shut down lol. I agree about the proposed reasons as being pretty stupid. Train your pets properly and you should not need anyone (or anything) watching them. Plus if i want someone to say hello, i'd make a phone call or text to a real person lol. Indeed strange times we live in that close ourselves off from personal contact with others and reduce everyday life stuff. Guess living in an iron bubble with a periscope and your mechanical 'friend' is appealing to some. No thank ya.
I might be okay with some kind of AI robot, but not this little useless thing. I don't need some creepy looking soccer ball following me around and staring at me blankly, the cats already have that job covered. Now once they have the robots that can do laundry, wash dishes and take out the trash then I'll be interested. If it's a learning AI then I can teach it stuff like how I like my socks folded or give it my favorite recipes so it can help cook meals.