Need help understanding time travel


New Member
Feb 23, 2019
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Hello All,

Hoping you guys will be able to answer my question about traveling forward in time. Now as I understand it is proven that we are able to travel forward in time by increasing the speed we travel with. They usially use the example of an astronaut traveilng in a rocket how their time will move a bit slower.
If that is the case how are they to intereact with someone who has their time moving in the normal speed afterwards? Wouldn't whatever they do happen in the future and so peopke in the past would need that extra time to comprehend what is happening? Is it because the time difference so miniscule that our senses are not affectes?

If theoretically someone could travel with speed fast enough to travel a year ahead wouod that mean they would never be able to interact with anyone anymore because time differene is too big?

Excuse typos on phone. Appreciate the help.
Hello All,

Hoping you guys will be able to answer my question about traveling forward in time. Now as I understand it is proven that we are able to travel forward in time by increasing the speed we travel with. They usially use the example of an astronaut traveilng in a rocket how their time will move a bit slower.
If that is the case how are they to intereact with someone who has their time moving in the normal speed afterwards? Wouldn't whatever they do happen in the future and so peopke in the past would need that extra time to comprehend what is happening? Is it because the time difference so miniscule that our senses are not affectes?

If theoretically someone could travel with speed fast enough to travel a year ahead wouod that mean they would never be able to interact with anyone anymore because time differene is too big?

Excuse typos on phone. Appreciate the help.
hi tabuci. I can't answer your question, but I do welcome you to the ParaNormal Forum.
Hi Tabuci!

Physics Girl can explain much better than I ever could:

(edited to add)

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