Mysterious Pollock twins


the Countess
Tier-1 Mod
Aug 12, 2015
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Death and Rebirth: The Mysterious Case of the Pollock Twins | Mysterious Universe

What happens to us when we die has always been a mystery that has caught the imagination since time unremembered, and there are just as many ideas on what the answer is as there are cultures that believe that this life is not the end. One very common idea is that we pass on not into some other dimension or higher realm, but that we are reborn into new bodies in a never-ending cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, the concept we know as reincarnation. Is there any truth to this idea? Are we indeed recycled once again into new bodies and new lives upon our passing? There are various cases that seem to strongly suggest that reincarnation is indeed possible, and one of the more compelling is a famous case of two twin girls who have gone on to be one of the most compelling such accounts out there.
This was a good find. It seems they had a destiny to fulfill.
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