Man in Black


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Sep 29, 2023
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Man In Black

My Dad told me this story when I was very little. He passed away in 1987 but I’ll never forget this.

The story happened in the days of The Great Depression, Back when the President of the United States opened the railways so that the unemployed could travel cross country looking for work. My oldest brother was a baby in those days and my Mom had traveled by rail back to her home state of Iowa to visit relatives. Dad followed a couple of months later via the free open rails. Dad told me that he was running along the side of a moving train and jumped into a boxcar and was having a lot of trouble getting enough of a grip to pull himself in. He was just about to lose his grip and fall down and inward to the massive wheels when a hand reached out and dragged him in. He looked up and saw a huge man dressed all in black. As he was making his way to a corner of the boxcar he heard the man say, “you be a good boy now and I’ll see you later”. Dad turned around and the man was gone. He looked out both of the boxcar doors up and down the track and there was nothing in sight, nothing but prairie. Dad said he thought it was an angel and I believe that also. Knowing my dad the way I did makes it possible for me to accept the possibility that the Lord would have taken direct intervention because my dad loved the Lord above all else.

Just like me.
Man In Black

My Dad told me this story when I was very little. He passed away in 1987 but I’ll never forget this.

The story happened in the days of The Great Depression, Back when the President of the United States opened the railways so that the unemployed could travel cross country looking for work. My oldest brother was a baby in those days and my Mom had traveled by rail back to her home state of Iowa to visit relatives. Dad followed a couple of months later via the free open rails. Dad told me that he was running along the side of a moving train and jumped into a boxcar and was having a lot of trouble getting enough of a grip to pull himself in. He was just about to lose his grip and fall down and inward to the massive wheels when a hand reached out and dragged him in. He looked up and saw a huge man dressed all in black. As he was making his way to a corner of the boxcar he heard the man say, “you be a good boy now and I’ll see you later”. Dad turned around and the man was gone. He looked out both of the boxcar doors up and down the track and there was nothing in sight, nothing but prairie. Dad said he thought it was an angel and I believe that also. Knowing my dad the way I did makes it possible for me to accept the possibility that the Lord would have taken direct intervention because my dad loved the Lord above all else.

Just like me.
Thanks for sharing that story Dale, it is very uplifting. I think we all have guardian angels; I just don't know why they don't always step in to help us. Life is sure full of surprises. Like you I have faith in Jesus too.