Lucid Dream induced by medication


Sep 16, 2013
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South of Indy

I want to clear up something I've often seen confused lately. Lucid dreaming and Astral projection are two different things. Lucid Dreaming is the ability to be aware of your own dreams and have some control of it as it occurs. Astral projection is the ability for the spirit to leave the body.
I read somewhere that the way to tell the difference, is if you can have an affect on your dream environment, it is lucid, and if things happen that you have no control over, it is astral projection. For example, if I dream that I made a dragon appear in the sky, that could be lucid dreaming. If I dream that I am walking through crowds of people and I can't make them do what I want, than its possible I have astral traveled someplace.
you could always try reading to tell the difference.. most people cant read in a dream, ( or do math, which makes trying to read in a dream good practice for lucid dreaming control ) ... so, possibly, if you can read, write and do math its possibly astral travel. otherwise its just a dream