Is it possible


Sep 16, 2013
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South of Indy
Although I haven’t experienced anything first hand , I do believe this. It would make sense that our loved ones would comfort and greet us. If there is a loving God (I do believe there is), what better way to help us make the transition.
A day or two before my Mom passed, Mrs Duke and I were visiting her at hospice. Mom was kinda in and out, but in a brief period of relative lucidity, she said to my wife, "Is that your Dad I see? I think it's him, he's waving at me.....with two hands."

Mrs Duke was cleanly stunned, and choked up. Later she told me her Dad always waved with both hands. It was a family joke based on the closing credits of "The Beverly Hillbillies" where Granny was shown frantically waving goodbye with both hands. My wife's dad died three days before I was to have met him, and of course my Mom never met him.
A day or two before my Mom passed, Mrs Duke and I were visiting her at hospice. Mom was kinda in and out, but in a brief period of relative lucidity, she said to my wife, "Is that your Dad I see? I think it's him, he's waving at me.....with two hands."

Mrs Duke was cleanly stunned, and choked up. Later she told me her Dad always waved with both hands. It was a family joke based on the closing credits of "The Beverly Hillbillies" where Granny was shown frantically waving goodbye with both hands. My wife's dad died three days before I was to have met him, and of course my Mom never met him.
This was an assurance for you and your wife as much as for your dad. What an amazing confirmation of life after death and now you are extending that to all who read here!