How (and where) will you be listening?


Go Big Red.....I used to live in I am in California back home in the mtns and right dab in the middle of Bigfoot country...btw I invited him over he declined of course.....
How: I'm listening using the TuneIn app on my Nexus tablet and sending it to my Bluetooth speaker system .
Where: I'm sitting out on my deck in Haliburton, Ontario listening to the test show and it sounds great.
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hello! we shall be tuning in from Germany. What an honour is to have Art back on air! Best of health to you!
I'll be listening on shortwave to 7490 kHz WBCQ. If propagation is bad it'll listen on 5085 kHz WTWW. WTWW is ridiculously close to me so no problems hearing that station. I'm partial to WBCQ because I support what they do over there: true free speech radio. Hearing Art on the radio last night was fantastic. Brought me back 20 years in an instant.

A radio, comfortable chair, and a pot of coffee is all I need for the ride.
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Tonight I will be listening at my pc. I have a friend coming over for dinner and we are going to listen together. Her first time to hear Art. Should be fun. Will chat serve us tonight or do you think we will break it again?
i have tunein on my android phone and will listen in bed with earbuds unless i fall asleep. i like to listen to talk radio while sleeping, makes for some cool dreams. it was clyde lewis every night until now!! I am also a time traveller so i will catch up on what i slept through the next day!
Listening on my computer with the popup player. Youtube for shows I miss. Lake Tapps, Washington here.