Hex lands man in jail


Sep 16, 2013
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South of Indy

Tired of always hearing children playing at an elementary school near his home, a Tokyo man resorted to a drastic measure to quiet the kids: a curse!

Authorities say that Takeshi Inaba placed a straw doll, seen in Japanese culture as something akin to a voodoo doll, on the railing of a pedestrian bridge frequented by the schoolchildren.

Along with the effigy was an ominous message which read "all you brats jump from here and die."

As one can imagine, his supernatural search for silence was frowned upon by authorities, who arrested the man after he admitted leaving the 'cursed doll' because "those kids running wild in the park are too noisy."

That Inaba was the source of the hex was apparently not too surprising as he had previously pestered the school with over 30 letters about his concerns and is suspected of writing "kids are too noisy" on a number of benches at a nearby park.

How he reconciles defacing public property in his quest to hush the youngsters is a question that may be best left to his attorney as Inaba now faces charges of intimidation for his attempted hex.

Source: Japan Today
This guy is a real nut. Good thing they caught him before he did something worse.
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