Have you ever won anything?


Sep 16, 2013
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South of Indy
Most of us buy a lottery ticket now and then or enter a contest. Have you ever won anything? If so, what?

I have won something twice, besides the $1 or $5 on lottery tickets. I actually won second prize in a contest for kitchen equipment....$250 dollars worth. Still have the hand mixer from that one! The second time was $100 of free groceries from Kroger. OK, so not BIG prizes, but hey! I won!

How about you? Any luck out there?
Good for you two !:)
My Godmother won a raffle at Arlington Park ( a horse race track near Chicago) to be entered to win a PT Cruiser car. Only one out of the ten 'guaranteed winners' will win the car. So we took her back the next Saturday to see if she would win the car, or some of the other 10 really cool prizes. Now, as it happens, she was 85 years old at the time, didn't drive, actually NEVER drove. (She worked downtown and took the train....) Anyway, Virginia didn't win the car, but did get 7 days and nights in an all-inclusive resort, airfare, and spending $ in Hawaii !:) And she gave the prize away to her friend because her dog, Sparky, couldn't come with.
I once won $20 bucks on a scratch off ticket. Felt like King Tut !.
My dad had a truly funny sad experience. My grandfather opened a car lot after they closed the resteraunt. (Spinning Wheel Motors, Paintman. There on Rt. 6. Gramps gave the local VFW a car to raffle off. Dad bought ONE ticket to support the cause. He WON. Since he was a relative of the donor, he didn't feel right accepting it so he had them re-draw a new winner. Only thing he ever won...and lost.
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I won a Tin Lizzie when I was ten years old. Me and my friend Danny put in countless entries into a new cleaners contest. It was a toy car that looked similar to this:


It had a lawn mower engine. We had many fun days with this. It went perhaps 20 MPH.
I won a Tin Lizzie when I was ten years old. Me and my friend Danny put in countless entries into a new cleaners contest. It was a toy car that looked similar to this:


It had a lawn mower engine. We had many fun days with this. It went perhaps 20 MPH.
Dang! Now THAT'S really cool!
I just won a sprint drawing 2 weeks ago. I put my name and number in the fishbowl at Christmas. I won a LG tablet and a years free service. I almost hung up because I thought it was a sales pitch. So now my husband has a tablet too. I'm still smiling :cool: