Have you ever felt.....?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2014
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...like just throwing your hands up and giving up completely on our political system? And I mean to do it in such a way as to stop voting in the federal elections?

For me, I am there, right now, after a lifetime of being a good citizen, doing my civic duty by voting. I will never go and vote again, for finally I am fed up, to the max. And fed up to the degree that I will never start a political thread here anymore. I refuse to even think about politics from here on out.

So, I will only talk about the real things, like ufos, the paranormal, and religion. Have you given up on your nation's politics? I won't talk about it, but you can.
As you say, "Whoah mule!" Ok, Laz....what pushed you over the tipping point? Of all the people on the forum, you were the LAST person I expected that from!

And yes....been at that edge for quite some time and approaching the cliff again myself with this latest madness in Iraq and the missing e-mails on Benghazi. It's like a runaway train right now out there.
I have felt that way, but never actually not voted when it came right down to it. I've railed, ranted and raved about how I wasn't going to vote; how it's all rigged so what's the point, anyway, but in the end I've always gone to the poll and cast a vote. In recent Presidential elections that vote has gone to a third party candidate, but I felt like I had done my civic duty while not voting for the lesser of two evils. The lesser of two evils, after all, is still evil.
In 2016 I may just sit one out, though, especially if our choices are Hillary and another Bush.

I will still vote in my local elections, however. I feel like that's the only level left at which we common people still have a real say and a real chance of electing people who genuinely want to serve the community.
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yeah, local elections, I will continue doing. I voted against both parties last time, and if I am in the right mood, I may do that again. But it all seems rather pointless to me, today. I literally have become to hate politics, for they all seem to be corrupt, and are not public servants but lords over the American people. Both sides.
As you say, "Whoah mule!" Ok, Laz....what pushed you over the tipping point? Of all the people on the forum, you were the LAST person I expected that from!

And yes....been at that edge for quite some time and approaching the cliff again myself with this latest madness in Iraq and the missing e-mails on Benghazi. It's like a runaway train right now out there.

Oh, it's been building for quite some time, my great dissatisfaction, and the helplessness I feel, as I see my country go down the tubes, in most part because of the corruption in both entrenched parties. These are not serious men we have, these men don't give a damn about this nation, or its people. So why indulge in such a system? I will probably just save my gas the next time, if I am still living.

I wish I could live off the grid completely,and if not for my kids and grandkids, I would do just that and become a hermit. I am so disillusioned with the reality of America circa 2014. This is not the country I grew up in, and I feel anger whenever I think about it. Of course, I become choicelessly aware of that anger and it goes away, but yet I still feel it at times, again. One has to be eternally vigilent in watching the emotions as they arise in consciousness. For if one does not give one's total attention to them, they can make humans mentally ill, and act erratically. I advise all of my kids and grandkid this manner in dealing with the negative emotions, for I don't want them to become bitter, or to be driven to lunacy by not being fully aware of what goes on in consciousness.
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