Have you done Distance Healing?


Sep 16, 2013
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South of Indy
Distance Healing: What Is It? How Does It Work?


Healing miracles happen every day, not only due to the power of medicine, but also energy. Thoughts, prayers and other forms of energy can travel through time and space across many miles to restore body and mind. So what exactly is distance healing and how does it work?


Distance healing sounds complex, but it is actually a simple and effective way to help someone boost his or her own regenerative powers—even if they live across the globe! You don’t even have to know the person. Sometimes called absent or remote healing, it is basically directing specific positive healing energy directly to the sufferer.

This healing energy can be administered in the form of invocation, prayer and intentions or it can be part of a specific modality like Reiki.

Although still relatively new to the Western world, distance healing has been practiced for centuries in the Far East. There are even biblical accounts of Jesus using distance healing. In one instance he heals a nobleman’s son (John 4:46-54) and another story tells of him curing a centurion’s servant (Matthew 8:5-13).


There are many scientific theories about the inner workings of remote healing. Quantum physics has demonstrated that despite being separated by distance, energy particles can still vibrate and resonate with each other.

What it all boils down to is that there is really no time and space—and we are all infinitely connected. So when an energy healer sends those restorative vibrations, they instantly unite with the person, even though they may be far away.

Professional energy healers send these vibrations in a number of ways. They can simply visualize the person and send energy at an agreed upon time or they can do it over the phone or Internet.

Some healers even hold their hands over a person’s photo or use a doll as a proxy. There are many techniques, but the principle is the same—sending healing energy with unconditional love.


You have probably used distance healing many times without even realizing it. Have you every prayed for someone or sent them good intentions or loving thoughts? Guess what? You’ve done a form of distance healing!

Chances are you’ve also experienced the benefits of distance healing from others. When people think “get well” thoughts for you, it helps you create balance and harmony.

Distance healing is truly miraculous energy at work!
My kids live a fair distance from me,I don't see them often but can feel the love back and forth and they feel like they are always with me.I don't know if this is relevant.
I think it is very relevant. We are all connected on a quantum level. I think love is the is the power behind intent. There is nothing more powerful than a parents prayer.

I know this works. I believe all prayer is powerful and heard by the creator. When they are not answered there is a reason not always known to us. We need to send out healing thoughts and prayers whenever the need comes into our minds. We are having more of an effect than we see or know.
Thank you for the many wonderful ideas! The science behind it is unknowable but theories make it not inconceivable. Prayers intent impact is receivable even when we cant fathom the mystery (as easily as we can fathom & solve for how communication is receivable when a telephone line without a -connected/ receiver -is a sat phone -is a cell phone)

Someday is coming when emotion and energy intent and human communion -connection & reunion will be just such an explainable technique as todays cell phone once was a mystery such as Startrek communicator with which Captain Kirk said "Beam me up, Scotty."

In the meantime, love is. The table nearby is, be it made of wood granite or steel, your table, is; & love is. Jeepers! Keep your feet on the ground & don't panic if you make a change temporary perspective via a psychic leap of human connection. I know it is inconceivable but Human connection may be receivable reachable & learning might happen outside the classroom/ you might even be taught to cook. Buy and build a strange recipe just when you went shopping for groceries without googling it/ without google recipe