Happy New Year...What will it bring?

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Sep 16, 2013
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South of Indy
Well, here it is...2014. It's the year of the Horse, in Numerology it's a 7, but the only thing that counts is what we make of it. Have any predictions? Make any resolutions? Guesses as to what may come this year? What say you?
(Reminder to Guests: You can post! Honest! Feel free to join the conversation!)
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Happy New Year, all!

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Well, here it is...2014. It's the year of the Horse, in Numerology it's a 7, but the only thing that counts is what we make of it. Have any predictions? Make any resolutions? Guesses as to what may come this year? What say you?
(Reminder to Guests: You can post! Honest! Feel free to join the conversation!)
I want to make this the best year of my life. It's just a matter of work on my part.
Well, here it is...2014. It's the year of the Horse, in Numerology it's a 7, but the only thing that counts is what we make of it. Have any predictions? Make any resolutions? Guesses as to what may come this year? What say you?
(Reminder to Guests: You can post! Honest! Feel free to join the conversation!)
One of my resolutions is pretty boring, but a resolution nonetheless... I plan to do some major de-cluttering and organizing. I have way too much crap I need to either organize and use, or get rid of!

My other goal is to set aside more time to spend with my brother and sister. I keep in touch with them pretty well, but I want to get together and do more stuff with them.

I'm sure I have many more resolutions I will make, but that will keep me busy quite a bit! :D
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I'm with Roy on doing a better job of keeping in touch with siblings. I talk with them on the phone, but not often enough, and I also need to make plans to visit.
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One of my resolutions is pretty boring, but a resolution nonetheless... I plan to do some major de-cluttering and organizing. I have way too much crap I need to either organize and use, or get rid of!

My other goal is to set aside more time to spend with my brother and sister. I keep in touch with them pretty well, but I want to get together and do more stuff with them.

I'm sure I have many more resolutions I will make, but that will keep me busy quite a bit! :D
LOL...I'm having an enforced organize and get rid of week or three here with the move. I'm not the one with "stuff", but my pack rat hubs is finding he's accumulated much more than he thought possible. (Therefore we will have a dumpster delivered in the -15 degree weather now headed at us!)
My goal is to practice "contentment." This may sound strange, but many of us spend a lot of time thinking "Oh! I just need that one more thing to make me happy!" Well, after all these years, I've figured it out. If you have what you need, not what you think you want, you can be quite content. It's an acceptance of the bounty already received. I also am going to remember to find "little joys", instead of waiting for some big occasion.
And thank you to all of you on this forum. You've reminded me how to find those little joys in life just by being one of them! Happy New Year to you all!
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LOL...I'm having an enforced organize and get rid of week or three here with the move. I'm not the one with "stuff", but my pack rat hubs is finding he's accumulated much more than he thought possible. (Therefore we will have a dumpster delivered in the -15 degree weather now headed at us!)
My goal is to practice "contentment." This may sound strange, but many of us spend a lot of time thinking "Oh! I just need that one more thing to make me happy!" Well, after all these years, I've figured it out. If you have what you need, not what you think you want, you can be quite content. It's an acceptance of the bounty already received. I also am going to remember to find "little joys", instead of waiting for some big occasion.
And thank you to all of you on this forum. You've reminded me how to find those little joys in life just by being one of them! Happy New Year to you all!
I have two "tricks" to getting rid of stuff. One, which is really cruel to do because it just causes someone else to have too much stuff, is I first try to donate stuff to family. That way I sitll get to see it, if need be?, and helps them by not having to go out and buy something hopefully. The other thing I read in a organizing book one time is if you can't quite let go of something, but don't need or use it, take a picture of it. Amazingly, I've done this quite a bit and it helps just to go through the pics and say, oh yeah, I remember that thing. It serves dual purpose as a record for your taxes too if you're itemizing your deductions so you can show your donated items.
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And thank you to all of you on this forum. You've reminded me how to find those little joys in life just by being one of them! Happy New Year to you all!
Thank you Debi! I love reading your posts! You're right about being happy about the little things. I remember hearing about some study that was done on happiness, and the people who were the happiest were those who were happy about all the little things in their lives. It makes sense since most of us don't experience great moments of happiness on a daily basis, so if we don't feel happy about the little things, we won't have much else to feel happy about.
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I have two "tricks" to getting rid of stuff. One, which is really cruel to do because it just causes someone else to have too much stuff, is I first try to donate stuff to family. That way I sitll get to see it, if need be?, and helps them by not having to go out and buy something hopefully. The other thing I read in a organizing book one time is if you can't quite let go of something, but don't need or use it, take a picture of it. Amazingly, I've done this quite a bit and it helps just to go through the pics and say, oh yeah, I remember that thing. It serves dual purpose as a record for your taxes too if you're itemizing you're deductions so you can show your donated items.
Yes, I used to use the picture trick when we were helping to move someone into a long term care facility and their things had to "go." We often made scrap books for new residents. We have already donated the "good" stuff to a Christian charity here in town who give it to people in need. It's the 30 empty paint cans, extra tarps, piece meal lumber, broken "I might need it someday" items that the dumpster will be holding! Hubs has difficulty letting go of bent nails sometimes....lol. It's garage and barn territory and it's all his!
I'm a minimalist to begin with. I was raised by a mom who never knew a space that couldn't be filled with something. And it was my job as a kid to dust it all once a week! I also have a sister-in-law who is a hoarder. Seriously. Her house burned to the ground 4 years ago because of it. I've worked with her for years on this. She actually had a stroke after her house burned down because of her loss of things. I and her therapist have her down to 18 cats and 4 dogs now and my son goes and does animal care daily for her. So you can understand my anti-stuff mentality! Poor hubs is working on it.
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