"Et in Arcadia ego "

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Where is Naked Apple ? The Illuminati specialist !:)
Monday and Tuesdays are her heaviest work days. She'll be by later this evening. Never known her to miss a day yet! (She's a very dependable gal, our Nekkie!)
Monday and Tuesdays are her heaviest work days. She'll be by later this evening. Never known her to miss a day yet! (She's a very dependable gal, our Nekkie!)
Yes Nekkie is vey dependable ......Nekkie , please go and relax and unwind :)
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I totally agree , there is also another option which is only available to those who are selected to reveal documents or objects , same method applies to those who have inventions revealed to them . The spirits within the inter-dimensional realms can guide and protect those who are on a quest , I say this as I am curious as to how many have lost their life at the hands of others , obviously I am speaking of those who ventured on their own . Today we have journalists in "accidents" and also bankers in alleged suicides . The church has committed some of the most heinous atrocity's and I believe this continues to this day , and we have not included secret society's into the equation ...lol

Just looked at Ground Zero and tonight's topic lol , maybe the church will utilize drones through an intermediary !
Just looked at Ground Zero and tonight's topic lol , maybe the church will utilize drones through an intermediary !
Drones and killing people was last night....don't think he posted today's yet!
Drones and killing people was last night....don't think he posted today's yet!

I thought last thurs was Friday when I was scheduling and today I have my dates wrong.....I need sleep ! lol
Where is Naked Apple ? The Illuminati specialist !:)
Hey there! I'm hardly a specialist. I had never heard of this before, then again I am not a Dan Brown follower. I wonder how much of his theory is just an interesting yarn?
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"Et in Arcadia Ego" I am intrigued by old masters painting clues into their works , why did they do this and who guided them , divine intervention perhaps since they themselves never explored the possibilities but understood the wisdom graced apoun them , as for Dan Brown and his novels , nothing to do with this .
"Et in Arcadia Ego" I am intrigued by old masters painting clues into their works , why did they do this and who guided them , divine intervention perhaps since they themselves never explored the possibilities but understood the wisdom graced apoun them , as for Dan Brown and his novels , nothing to do with this .
I agree....Brown and other authors of this type of fiction use real mysteries to interweave into the story line. That's how I first learned of the facts of mystery art and literature. Very intriguing.
I am always amazed by the painters who seemed to have some esoteric knowledge about extraterrestrials.


from site:
The appearance of fiery chariots and hovering discs in Renaissance Era paintings - as well as beings working their controls and/or attired in garb that we commonly recognize today as spacesuits - proves, at least, that UFOs were being sighted in medieval times. While no direct connection can be isolated from this, between space aliens and religious icons, there certainly is a lot of supernatural phenomena associated in and around these depictions.
The common images of one or more hovering saucer shaped metallic craft, often with highly intense beams of light emanating from the bottom, intelligently controlled and traveling at outrageous speeds - as if the artists witnessed these things first hand - are not in any sense ordinary events, even in modern times. It is extremely hard to find mention of these events, but they do exist - as scattered fragments, vague remnants, survivors of censorship.

One possible explanation is that these paintings were commissioned (by the church or the state) to place these phenomena in a deified context. Officially declared to be the vessels of angels, the peasants would ask fewer annoying questions - that likely, the clergy of the day had scant answers for themselves. It is likely that ancient UFO sightings coincided with important historical and political events - and just as likely that the sightings impressed, or pressured, leaders of the day to take bold, or unusual actions.

One set of images depicts a late 8th century battle, in which Saxon Crusaders besieged and surrounded the people of Sigiburg Castle, in France - when suddenly a group of saucers appeared in the sky, apparently hovering over the top of the church. The Saxons fled, believing that the French were being protected by the "flaming shields."

It was a very superstitious time - but people, as today, knew what they saw - though they probably had little context to associate with it. While there were certainly no flying machines (designed by humans) in those times, there were sailing ships - people were familiar with portholes. Some depictions illustrate these and other classic UFO details - begging the question: what did the ancients think of flying saucers?

Today, we are more comfortable with the idea of beings from outer space. For one thing, we know our world to be a planet, orbiting a star that is one of billions in a rather ordinary galaxy, floating somewhere in the vast reaches of the incalculably infinite universe. People of ancient times were told quite the contrary - that Earth was the center of the universe, the planets were gods, and the stars were fixed points of light on the inside of a celestial sphere. Any close encounter of any kind would most likely have been met with immediate extreme fear and wonder (as is the case today, for the most part), but considered without question to be angels, gods, demons or monsters. Their assertions may have been more on the mark than ours.

There were no airplanes, weather balloons, or experimental military jets to explain away the UFOs native to the skies of the pre industrial aeons. Events such as these would not have been as easily dismissed. Would those who witnessed such craft or encountered such beings first hand, be feared as witches, seen as cursed ~ or even blessed? A medieval abductee might descend from the mountain saying, in a reverent but dazed tone, "I have been touched by the angels."


~ "The Baptism of Christ" ~
Fitzwilliam Musuem, Cambridge, England
Painted in 1710 by Flemish artist Aert De Gelder
depicts a classic, hovering, silvery, saucer shaped UFO
shining beams of light down on John the Baptist and Jesus.
What could have inspired the artist to combine these two subjects?


~ "The Madonna with Saint Giovannino" ~
Above Mary's left shoulder is a shining, or glowing, disk shaped object.
A man and his dog can clearly be seen looking up at the floating object in the composite below.
Painted in the 15th century, Palazzo Vecchio lists the artist as unknown ~ although attributed to the Lippi school.


Upon closer inspection, the man seems to be looking away from the UFO, behind him and over his shoulder.
Or, more likely, the notably out of place object may be imagined floating above the ground between them.
From either perspective, could Mary be seen as blocking the two babies from the flying saucer's view?
Perhaps the dog glimpses the hovering object ~ with it's mouth open, it could even be barking at it.
But what is that dark, sparkling, disassembled figure beside them ~ a dwarf, or an ethereal being?
A body, legs, head, and tail can be made out. Could this represent a type of alien, or demon?
Also, Mary's halo seems a bit shadowy ~ more like a vaporous disc than a ring of light.



What are the strange, ethereal, almost surreal, objects floating above Mary's doorway?
Who is it peeking out from the doorway at the top of the alley stairs on the far left center?
Who is lying on the bed behind Mary ~ and why aren't the people in the street looking up?
What is the disturbance in the clouds, behind the UFO, exactly opposite the energy beam?

~ "The Annunciation" ~
painted by Carlo Crivelli in 1486
on display in the National Gallery in London.
A familiar disk shaped object is shining a beam of light
through the house wall and down onto the top of Mary's head.
Much activity is going on in this painting, besides people pointing
~ filled with cryptic symbolism, the meanings lost to modern researchers.

17th Century fresco depicting the Crucifixion of Christ,
located in the Svetishoveli Cathedral in Mtskheta, Georgia.
Notice the two saucer shaped objects on either side of Christ
~ complete with stylized flames, blasting off in either direction.

In the two blow ups (below) you can see that they contain faces.
Certainly ancient UFOs were associated with the highest of divinity
~ but were the requisite lights perhaps thought to be the eyes of angels?


~ "The Assumption of the Virgin" ~
Painted circa 1490 ~ by an unknown artist.
Saucer shaped "clouds" intrigue modern ufologists.
Could so many have appeared in the sky at one time?
Or, are the hat shaped UFOs depicted so numerous here
to -punctuate- certain events as being particularly holy?


In this painting on wood drawer from furniture kept at the Earls D’Oltremond, in Belgium,
Moses is depicted receiving the tablets of the Ten Commandments, with "flaming horns."
Several equally flaming objects are in the sky before him ~ date and artist are unknown.

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We appear to be having some server problems today so I'm going to try and post anyway! Nekkie, that's fascinating, too! OK, Dog...any chance you see an ET tie in to all this? Were the painters guided by ET's associated with the Church, perhaps?
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