Elemental Fire


Sep 16, 2013
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South of Indy
source : suzannebovenizer.com

The last division of the Elementals is that of the Fire Element, ruled by the Salamanders. These salamanders are not the little lizardy things that scamper around gardens. They are mighty beings that are in charge of all things associated with fire and heat, including volcanoes and lightening. The king of the Salamanders is Djinn and the over-lord is Michael. Often, when we are gazing into a blazing bonfire, we see images of dancing serpents in the flames. These are the Salamanders that have come to commune with us and join in our festivities. Even when we are meditating on a candle flame, the spirit of the Salamander is supporting us in our contemplative journey. Like the phoenix, the Salamander’s work is to tear down and build up, for only when we clear out the old can something new grow up in its place. With that idea, Salamanders are the element that helps us with healing and detoxification of the body. They also assist us in maintaining our spiritual body, cleansing out unwanted energies by burning through the psychic debris that we collect in our subtle bodies. If we want to assist the Salamanders in cleansing, we can burn essential oils around our aura. Some supportive oils might be rosemary, peppermint, lemon, pine, clary sage frankincense, myrrh, galbanum, elemi, jasmine, sandalwood, vetiver, patchouli, mugwort, helichrysum and sage.
As with all the other elements, we have a Salamander that is assigned to us at birth and travels with us through out our growth. A strong and balanced metabolism is tantamount to good health and Salamanders assist our health by controlling the internal thermostats of our metabolism. A lack of Salamander energy shows up as a sluggish metabolism, which can lead to lethargy, weight gain, fatigue, possible depression, decreased heart rate, memory and concentration problems, muscle pain or weakness, loss of interest in sex, numb, tingling hands, dry skin, swollen eyelids, dryness, loss, or premature graying of hair, extreme sensitivity to cold. Essential oils that strengthen the Salamander energy and therefore raise our internal thermostats are black pepper, cinnamon, peppermint, ginger, hyssop, melissa, mugwort, nutmeg and rosemary. Good Salamander energy means vitality, a positive and assertive will, a sense of upliftment and an affirming belief in self. Too much Fire energy, though, can lead to pompousness, vanity and over-zealousness. Balancing essential oils can help stabilize the fire energy and these are geranium, bergamot, galbanum, mandarin, frankincense, lavender, cypress, elemi, chamomile and jasmine. Our personal Salamander will aid us in awakening to a higher sense of self, if we approach it with a feeling of stability, calm, and patience. When we drop into our deeper inner self, we can align more easily to the Salamander energy and begin to find a truer Self.

The Elementals are essential to our lives and should be treated with respect and understanding. The more we can align to our personal Elementals, the sooner we will be able to evolve into the omniscient Beings we know we can be!

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