Different view of Skinwaker Ranch


Sep 16, 2013
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South of Indy
New interview sheds different light on Skinwalker Ranch — punk rock and UFOs

New interview sheds different light on Skinwalker Ranch

The phenomena-filled Skinwalker Ranch is back in the limelight again due to recent exposure from Jeremy Corbell’s 2018 film “Hunt The Skinwalker,” but there’s another side to this story being exposed by UFO researcher Erica Lukes and former Bigelow Aerospace Advance Space Studies investigator Chris Marx.

Lukes has been conducting her own research of the ranch, which includes on-site studies (details still to come), and has used Marx’s renewed interest in the ranch to add another layer to this complicated story. Lukes recently released the first video interview with Marx “Skinwalker Ranch: A Real Perspective,” which details just some of the phenomena Marx experienced from his six-year study on the ranch. Marx resurrected his passion for the ranch when he saw Corbell’s “Hunt The Skinwalker” documentary, which prompted Marx to “rectify the madness”. Marx believes the film does a disservice to the ranch by pushing a threat narrative.

Marx also boldly claims Corbell and investigative journalist George Knapp who was behind the original research that was subject matter for the “Hunt The Skinwalker” book never spent any actual time on the property recording for the film. Communicating through Lukes UFO Classified Facebook page , Marx also cites the claim that Knapp has the only documentation based on the ranch as inaccurate, as Marx stated he has “hundreds of pages of actual reports and events (1. person), accompanied by close to a thousand pictures of actual scenes and real investigations including measurements, dates and GPS data.” Marx promises his data, as well as other scientist’s work will be revealed by the end of the year.

The big divide is on tone, and perception. In Lukes’ video, Marx describes the ranch as “sacred,” very beautiful place,” and “an environment like no other,” which is a stark contrast to Corbell’s film that paints the ranch as nightmarish in landscape.

“It's clear to me that they take a very different angle on the property,” Lukes said on the “Hunt For Skinwalker” film. “They clearly view that place as a ‘threat, and while that angle might line the pocket books of government contractors, I certainly feel it is a disservice to frighten local residents. To promote the idea that encounters cause debilitating effects on witnesses without doing a thorough investigation on other factors that might contribute to disease is unconscionable. I agree 100 percent with his (Marx) statements, and applaud him for having enough respect for the ranch and neighboring community to come forward and tell the real story.”

Corbell’s camp did not return requests for comment.

Marx does state in the video that being on the ranch is “not without risks” and still suffers from some consequences like random crashes in his kitchen,and misplaced items in his home. The video’s big reveal is Marx explaining encounters with multiple entities including his eye-witness account of a man shape-shifting into a wolf.

Lukes promises more to come from Marx, as well as her own personal experiences from the ranch.

“I have a deep affection for the ranch and the surrounding area,” said Lukes. “It's awe inspiring and perplexing. I have personally witnessed and documented things that are out of our realm of understanding, and I will always hold it very dear to my heart.”
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That's the problem with anything dealing with the paranormal. Some people think it's a big joke to just get a cheap scare over and pretty much any time you get a film company production crew behind it, it gets distorted just for the thrill of it. Skinwalker Ranch is fascinating, and I would say that probably 90% of the information floating around out there about it is total bunk.
That's the problem with anything dealing with the paranormal. Some people think it's a big joke to just get a cheap scare over and pretty much any time you get a film company production crew behind it, it gets distorted just for the thrill of it. Skinwalker Ranch is fascinating, and I would say that probably 90% of the information floating around out there about it is total bunk.
On what do you base your 90% estimate on, Elli? I listened to the entire video, and although the gentleman differed in his perception of what the activity was, he didn't deny the activity. He just perceives it's intent differently.

I've studied the Skinwalker Ranch since Knapp's first book, which I've read 3 times, and listened to his lecture he gave about it to a conference (which is on the site somewhere), and it appears that no two people perceive the same thing when they experience things there. BTW, I'm not a big fan of Knapp so I'm not defending him here.

I agree fully that film companies love to hype things up. That's a given with them. But in this situation, some facts do remain solid and although accounts and perceptions do differ, enough people have experienced things that I do think the 90% bunk may be a bit high.
You're right. I wasn't being scientifically precise with my percentages. And I wasn't talking about the formal sources about the ranch, but about the side-stories and rumors that are constantly floating around.
I've heard a number of talks at various events, from Knapp and from others who have been there, and found the things they said mainly credible. The bunk that's being spread is by the "I heard from someone who heard" sort of stories. Stuff like, It's Native American demons and they're evil soul-suckers, and all the people who spend time there come out possessed, and you can't trust anything they say- that kind of thing.

Sorry for being hyperbolic. :)
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