Black smoke coming out of husbands face in photo!? Opinions?

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Jan 21, 2022
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This photo was taken at a restaurant by one of our kids with an iPhone 8s Plus in December 2019. Has anyone ever seen anything like this?! I would love to know the opinions of this community. My husband suffers from mental illness but a psychologist was unable to diagnose him with anything other than PTSD and ADHD. He often dreams of being in prison, being accused of crimes he didn’t commit, sees images of black ink, and says he wants out of his body, etc. He is a musician, and tormented by his love for music to the point he is incapable of functioning normally. I see a good kind heart in him but at other times he can be very intense and abusive, failing to honor my safety needs and boundaries when he freaks out. Could it be that he’s battling something paranormal? I asked him to move out last week because loving someone like this is painful. After he left, I remembered this photo. Searched online and couldn’t find any other reports of black smoke coming out of someone in a photo. Thank you to anyone who replies!
PS, this photo was not doctored, edited, or filtered in any way. My son personally took the photo.
PS, this photo was not doctored, edited, or filtered in any way. My son personally took the photo.
Hi Annie. Due to the delicate type of situation you have here, perhaps you and I can have a private conversation. I will send you a PM shortly. I want you to have correct information and not just guesses or theories.
Hi Annie. Due to the delicate type of situation you have here, perhaps you and I can have a private conversation. I will send you a PM shortly. I want you to have correct information and not just guesses or theories.
Okay, thank you very much for your time on this.
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Issue has been resolved. Titch, let me know on PM your final findings if you can.

Closing thread.

Edit: The object was found to most likely be a camera artifact involving something on the lense per Titch.
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