Bigfoot Caught on Camera in Oz?

I don't know if it's genuine but it's not a gap in the leaves as someone said.
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It looks like a Gorillia to me. There have been fakes before using real Gorillias. There is nothing but forest around so the area would not be identifiable. It could have been taken somewhere else, even a preserve at a zoo. Now i believe they are out there and this could be one, but there is not much info in the report. If the photographer said he saw it moving that would eliminate paradollia, if he was believable. I have been watching "Expidition Bigfoot" and this season they have gotten some good evidence and even caught on film a shadow figure shaped like a BF dissapearing as if cloaking. I almost fell off the couch. The powers that be may be moving toward soft disclosure with this topic too. Perhaps there's not much hope of keeping it secret much longer with all the people in the woods with cameras.