ATV vs. BF

I would hope that the bigfoot in the picture was a cutout made to offer you an example of how big the critter that they saw was and not supposed to be an actual picture. If I saw something like that trying to make a grab at me I would only have gone back there if I was packing an elephant gun!!!!

I often think that the sasquatch if more of a joker than a danger. They scare the crud out of a lot of people but there are almost no reports of them doing any harm to people. I hate the fact that in some states it is by law legal to shoot any unidentified humanoid-shaped creature.

Eventually, some dummy is going to kill some hunter in a gilly suit or some sort of camo. I have known a few guys that were plenty big enough to pass for a squatch. I went to school with a guy that was 6' 7", weighed 340lbs and NOT fat. He played defensive tackle for the San Diego Chargers for 13 years. He actually was shaped sort of like the bigfoot in that picture. Speaking of big feet, he wore a size 23 EEEE shoe! You could toss a half dollar coin through his senior ring. Put more hair on him and you have bigfoot!