Ask a Wiccan......


Sep 16, 2013
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South of Indy
After the Thursday night interview with the satanist who lied her way thro the interview and tried to tie Wiccans and Pagans to Satan/Lucifer, I have started this thread for all of you with questions. (And I promise to remain calm, unlike my demeanor in the live thread and the beginning of Friday night's thread! lol)

I come from a long background as a practicing Wiccan. Although I find myself now a bit even farther right hand path and to the point of now calling myself a Mystic, for lack of another description, I can give you clear information on the subject, unlike Art's Satanic guest.

If you have questions, please leave them here on this post. Tomorrow I will address them and thro the weekend as well. I will also lay out the basics of Wicca for you and try to give you a clearer understanding of the Path.
Let me begin by saying there are as many traditions of Wicca as there are denominations of Christianity. You can ask 20 Wiccans what they believe, and you will get 20 different interpretations. But all of them stand on certain principles. What I present to you here are interpretations from my own tradition, which actually dates back farther than the "new" Wiccan traditions.

Wiccans themselves stand by some variation of the Wiccan Rede: An if it harm none, do as ye will.
This is seen as the guideline for moral and ethical behavior and I often liken it to the "Do unto others" of the Bible. Notice it is not a "Rule" or is a suggested guideline. There are no "rules", there are "choices" for how you live your life.

Going along with that, there is the Three Fold Law.....The Rule of Three (also Three-fold Law or Law of Return) is a religious tenet held by some Wiccans/Pagans. It states that whatever energy a person puts out into the world, be it positive or negative, will be returned to that person three times.
This IS considered a a spiritual sense and also a law of energy in our view.

Wicca acknowledges the polarity of the Divine, which means that both the male and female deities are often honored. A Wiccan may honor simply a non-specific god and goddess, or they may choose to worship specific deities of their tradition. I myself believe in God and Goddess as the two who are in charge of a realm some call heaven. I believe in angels, demons, elementals, as creations by these two. There is a balance to the divine, both male and female, and their energies compliment each other. I myself have dedicated myself to bringing that feminine Divine energy back into the world and I serve the Goddess. (although God does often get a word in here and there!)

Most of us believe in planes of existance, reincarnation, and the use of magic as a way to move energy. More on that in a minute. We believe we are also here to be caretakers of the earth and protectors of the innocent, especially animals and children. To harm another is abhorrent to us. We walk in love and are peaceful, caring, loving individuals. That is what is called the right hand path. Now some on the left hand path (those that use darker magic to move energy about) are a different story. One must make a choice as to when to use magic, if to use it, and determine whether they are willing to cross that line to the use of the darker magic to achieve a desired good result.
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Everybody wants to know about "magic" is my definition:


Intention is something you hear over and over again in the paranormal world, and it has been used by many religions for eons. Christians use "intention" in prayer all the time. Intention based movement of energy and vibrations is now beginning to be understood scientifically. Take a moment to read this article.

We can and do influence what happens around us, just as we do when we make a physical choice to go left or right. This is the basis of how magic actually works. We move it, by intention. As with anything else, if you come into magic with pure intentions, you will receive the good. If you come in looking to harm, that energy will rebound and return to you threefold for messing with it.

This is just a brief overview....the top layer, so to speak, but gives you a good starting point for understanding. We are not so different than anyone else. This is a good stopping point to allow you all to throw questions at me if you have them. I hope this clears up what a HUGE diffference there is between the Satan loving guest on Thursday, and true Wiccans who are forbidden by the Rede to harm anyone, including themselves. In our beliefs, we must be giving......from THAT woman's viewpoint, it's all about taking. Therein lies a great difference between the two, although not the only difference by any means!!!
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HOPE / DEBI: I have not and probably will not listen to that show. I have read the MidnightFans forum live thread from the show. That's enough for me.
Knowing you a bit, 7, I would say that's a very wise choice on your part. From my standpoint, the woman was using some creative (black) magic with her voice as well during that show. That's why you saw me go supernova on the thread. I have no tolerence for evil...and she was the personification thereof.
Everybody wants to know about "magic" is my definition:


Intention is something you hear over and over again in the paranormal world, and it has been used by many religions for eons. Christians use "intention" in prayer all the time. Intention based movement of energy and vibrations is now beginning to be understood scientifically. Take a moment to read this article.

We can and do influence what happens around us, just as we do when we make a physical choice to go left or right. This is the basis of how magic actually works. We move it, by intention. As with anything else, if you come into magic with pure intentions, you will receive the good. If you come in looking to harm, that energy will rebound and return to you threefold for messing with it.

This is just a brief overview....the top layer, so to speak, but gives you a good starting point for understanding. We are not so different than anyone else. This is a good stopping point to allow you all to throw questions at me if you have them. I hope this clears up what a HUGE diffference there is between the Satan loving guest on Thursday, and true Wiccans who are forbidden by the Rede to harm anyone, including themselves. In our beliefs, we must be giving......from THAT woman's viewpoint, it's all about taking. Therein lies a great difference between the two, although not the only difference by any means!!!
DEBI (or should I say Glenda) : Thanks for the thread. The video link on Intention based movement of energy and vibrations is something new to me although I always knew that the intentions of a person are felt. I have already learned a lot. I don't think anyone will confuse Wiccans and their philosophy with the teachings of the guest on Art's show.
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Another thing about wiccans, and also me as a now self described Mystic......we honor Jesus as a holy one and also His mother. My best friend is a nun, the head of her order actually, and we have spoken many times of this. There is no conflict when you walk in LOVE.
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Re: "whatever energy a person puts out into the world, be it positive or negative, will be returned to that person three times."
What a great philosophy to live by
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