9-7 Wednesday Live Thread


The answer is 5 horses, 7 horseshoes, and a three legged farmer!

(Who put MATH on my forum??? :eek:)
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I see Lynne is here playing catch up tonight! lol Go girl!
SPOILER ALERT: Do not click on spoiler if you are still thinking about he Horse Math Problem

Apparently this math problem is sweeping the internet via facebook.


Despite initial appearances, the true answer is twenty-one.
The first equation, involving three horses adding up to 30, tells us
that the value of a horse is 10.

The second equation, featuring two horseshoes sets(of two) and a horse,
allows us to deduce the value of the two horseshoes is 4.

The third equation tells us that the value of two cowboy boots is 2.

Now, the final equation is asking the solution to 1 + 10 x 2.
This has understandably led many people to guess the answer as 48.

However, due to the BODMAS rule - which dictates the order of
operations in working out math solutions – you should actually be
multiplying the horse by the horseshoe first, then adding the cowboy
boot next. So that means the answer is 1 + (10x2) = 21.


7christie note: Notice that ONE horseshoe and ONE cowboy boot is
pictured in the last equation. This hints that two horseshoes are not
one symbol but two symbols. The value of ONE horseshoe is 2. Ditto
the boots(value=1) .

Source(with some 7christie edits): Can YOU solve this 'simple' algebra equation?

Oh, BODMAS. I had to look the acronym up

I was looking for the spoiler alert button. Was that in RumbleTalk or here ?