9-30-2020 Wednesday Live Chat

Hiya !
White Sox won.
On Sunday I was listening to the last game of the year and hitting balls.
I couldn't get it through my thick head that the White Sox are in the playoffs and I get to listen to more baseball.
Because of a funeral I get to play a golf course that I haven't played in a while. Normal people won't notice that, but I'm an old hand. Somebody dies and all of the childhood friends that are scattered come home for the funeral. They should know by now to bring their clubs. The one exception is my friend Paul who can use my Dad's old clubs - I give him a modern driver, choice of putters..

1. The trees got taller.
2. That same punch out shot that I had to do out of the woods, same. My ball must have a magnet in it that it goes to the same spot. But way back when.....
3. #4 Green. My high school buddy, Artie, on the golf team and I start drinking.
(Nobody can see us)
4. Artie and I start conceding putts.
5. Hit a tee ball into the messy woods along that same hole going back the other way.
Punch out. Take my medicine.
6. Never got any better.
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