9-3-2018 Monday Live Chat Thread

I can understand the choice. I do hope it works out well for both of you!
I seriously tried to talk him out of it. His health is not good for nights. But they don’t listen to us lol
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At least you have a big house ! You can wonder around with your air hose :D
LOL I have one room with window walls on two sides, so I can have the "feel" of outside. I'm all good!
I seriously tried to talk him out of it. His health is not good for nights. But they don’t listen to us lol
Mine still doesn't listen! But now I can still take him down and stop him if he's trying something stupid....like a ladder! I threaten him with touching his no rib cage area and he now threatens me with a lighter. Your typical married for 42 years couple!
LOL I have one room with window walls on two sides, so I can have the "feel" of outside. I'm all good!

Mine still doesn't listen! But now I can still take him down and stop him if he's trying something stupid....like a ladder! I threaten him with touching his no rib cage area and he now threatens me with a lighter. Your typical married for 42 years couple!
Omg that’s too funny. !!!
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Ok I’m off to do some posting. Enjoy your evening guys.
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Steam Community :: Memn[o]ch | Th3 ÐĕvÍ|_,

12 years of gaming on steam

I saw christ and he was my brother.


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