8-8-2020 Saturday Live Chat Thread

Yes tv is really going to take a hit with this pandemic. Actors will have to get real jobs.
Read an article today about some broadway actors moving back with mom and dad and taking jobs as everything from barristas to Home Depot workers. One is even delivering mail for the post office now.
Read an article today about some broadway actors moving back with mom and dad and taking jobs as everything from barristas to Home Depot workers. One is even delivering mail for the post office now.
After all the stuff I’ve been reading about all the pedo behavior in Hollywood , I’m glad.
We’ve had the dumb blonde, the military guy, the twerp, and now the drunk.
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Wife’s in labor and husband is not there nor seems too concerned
Back in the day the husbands waited in the waiting room, remember?
Yes but the culture of unconcern and leaving it to the woman still seems unnatural.