8-3-2022 Wednesday Live Chat

Creative people tend to have many interesting things to explore, and sometimes can get led off in too many directions at once. We just need to keep you on the main roads. ;)
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Creative people tend to have many interesting things to explore, and sometimes can get led off in too many directions at once. We just need to keep you on the main roads. ;)
Being executive director of a writing organization, I already know it's like herding cats. LOL
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Hey, technically this is my night "off". I wasn't even supposed to be here. See how you lucked out? Bwahaha!
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Well, my "job" here is done this evening...lol I'm going to finish up some maintenance stuff here and it's back to bed for me. I'm playing catch up with some sleep today.

Sending everyone some love and good energy tonight! I shall see everyone tomorrow.

Justin...don't you forget I'm watching ya! lol