8-26 Friday Live Thread

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Banner inspired by the depiction of the Allagash Waterway abduction of 1976

Probably one of the more famous abduction stories of the bunch, the Allagash Waterway abduction involved four men: brothers Jim and Jack Weiner, and Chuck Rack and Charlie Foltz. The brothers knew the other men from art school, and the four had set out for a leisurely fishing trip. After a day of unsuccessful fishing with little food to spare, the group decided to take their canoe and try some night fishing, and left a large campfire to help them find their way back.

While fishing that night, the group noticed a glowing orb over the trees moving about and changing colors. Then the orb came to the canoe and, so they say, engulfed the entire group. The next thing the men remember is being at the campground, their fire burnt down to ashes. The men later began to independently experience nightmares of strange beings examining them and boarding a spaceship. They went through hypnosis and all four men had consistent experiences concerning being medically examined while the others helplessly watched. Because the four men were also artists, they were able to depict their experiences on paper with very disturbing results. The four men’s stories were featured on “Unsolved Mysteries” and they appeared on national news.

Source: 5 Most Convincing Cases of Reported Alien Abductions
Great link, Critter, and, as always, great banner!
Tonight on Darkness Radio with Tim, Karen Dahlman. She's an expert on Ouija boards and knows her stuff.
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