6-17-2020 Wednesday Live Chat Thread

Group Intention at top of hour 33 minutes from Now
grease up those palms
group prayer/intention in 1/4 hour
Please join your hands and hearts in a virtual message of intention

Dear God of All,

Bless us with the wisdom to put our our own wants and needs to the side, and the needs and protection of others first. Remind us to be selfless in our love. Send your calm and peace to our Nation and around the world.

Guide those who search for the treatments and the cures to the virus that still haunts us.Help them see the answers you have provided them to swiftly bring us a vaccine and treatments.

Protect those who continue to work on the front lines and give them strength. Comfort those who have lost loved ones. Give strength to those who face personal challenges both known and unknown to us.

Hear our silent prayers and intentions as we gather together this day.
Note to self: make sure you have alarm set for group intention!