5-31-2019 Friday Live Chat Portal

Lynne, it's almost over and I know you are beat. Go ahead and say goodnight, babe. Get some rest.
Lynne, it's almost over and I know you are beat. Go ahead and say goodnight, babe. Get some rest.
I am tired. I’ve been up early every morning. I will catch you all tomorrow. I’m planning on the movie. God willing. Shazam all. :kissingheart:
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Thanks to everyone for coming for the show tonight...strange as it might have been! lol But great chat! Weird as that was too! lol
I am tired. I’ve been up early every morning. I will catch you all tomorrow. I’m planning on the movie. God willing. Shazam all. :kissingheart:
Shazam and good rest and dreams, hon.
Paint, if you're still out there, hope the popcorn was good and you were able to enjoy a bit of it with us. And hope the Sox won!
OK, I'm done...I usually run a bit ahead of everyone.

Gonna wish you goodnight, Paintman! Stay dry up there!
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Well that was a wild ride. Underground submarine bases in the American southwest connected to the Pacific Ocean.....
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