4-30-2019 Tuesday Live Chat Portal

Hiya hon! How's it going, my dear?
Not bad. Woke up with a blinding headache, I think it is alergies...now that I have been eating so clean the allergies are affecting me differently .... better now.
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Not bad. Woke up with a blinding headache, I think it is alergies...now that I have been eating so clean the allergies are affecting me differently .... better now.
Oh yes...the pollen has been awful! Need a shovel it's so bad here. The rain has kept some down, but now we have mold.
Hi Bob. Have you been trying Earl Grey rather than coffee? Do try the lemon,cayenne,honey,hot water. as much cayenne as
Oh yes...the pollen has been awful! Need a shovel it's so bad here. The rain has kept some down, but now we have mold.
it must really be hitting you!
it must really be hitting you!
Oh yeah...the lungs feel it daily. As I was already asthmatic, this is just a giant trigger for all of it! I have meds...lots of meds...lol