4-26-2023 Wednesday Live Chat

we look at good friday as being a fairly safe window afterwards to plant. i wasnt planning a garden but so far have 4 tomatoe plant 4 pepper plants, beans, cucumbers, squash, lettuce, spinach and a couple others.... so i guess a garden it is....lol
Honey, that's an "official" garden...lol Funny how that happens when we just pick up "one or two" plants.
Honey, that's an "official" garden...lol Funny how that happens when we just pick up "one or two" plants.
most of it was started from seed, bought the tomato's first as plants and was just planning on those. but a seed pack here and a seed pack there later, and its a garden....lol.
they are doing good so far. had the first egg in the nesting box yesterday so i guess they are calming down some...its gonna be a learning experience for sure, but i think i got it all going good so far....
I saw Lynne suggested the egg shells along with the feed. It really does help.
Good Afternoon ParaForums :D
Morning (well, afternoon now lol). I was working next door to this place. Was this the french fry place you were trying to think of...


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