4-22-2018 Sunday Live Chat Thread

Hi Armand. Good to see ya. How’s things going ?
Hope you are enjoying your weekend
anyway. I maybe be losing internet for a while.

are you okay lynne?
Yes thanks. I have been fighting a rough strain of a cold. It effects the lungs. It’s keeping me from doing much. Frustrating !

Sorry to hear about the internet situation.
had a week off very disappointed in my vacation time, everyone goes somewhere does something I paid bills and got a Bluetooth thing for Kellie so she won't get killed while driving and playing with her phone and clothes, she has gained a ton of weight so I'm not really enjoying my weekend, to be honest. I can only see a future of repetitiveness coming my way.

We all think we are here for a special purpose but I think it's just that we are part of a machine that makes the government financially stable enough to exist. If I live to see retirement and or social security I will probably complain about that.
I used to go to the convalescent homes with my dad sometimes and he preached to the old ppl there. I remember thinking back then I'm never gonna be in a place like this I'll kick someone's arse if they try. I think someone has to give a crap about you first before you can wind up in a place like that. Maybe I should go preach to them and tell them how lucky they have it.

Just rambling on obviously my shrink has no idea what she has created.
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I slept finally until 3 pm today.